Example sentences of "and [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it on a floured board until smooth , about 5 minutes .
3 In the early 1970s an organization was established to govern karate on a world scale and to promote it as a new and fascinating sport .
4 ‘ Like some coffee ? ’ said Wilcox , taking her coat and hanging it on the back of the door .
5 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
6 Shaken off balance by her startling thoughts , Isabel glanced away , stepping out of her gown and hanging it over the table .
7 Preliminary identification of the peptide binding to the SSB oligonucleotide was accomplished by synthesising a 5' biotinolyated SSB oligonucleotide and attaching it to magnetic Dynal beads coated with streptavidin .
8 So takes it up and knits it on the back .
9 Taking her hand warmly in his and tucking it into his pocket , he ordered softly , ‘ Tell me about Elinor Browne with an ‘ E ’ . ’
10 The price of this combo is excellent for a twin channel amp , but its shortcomings in the lead department may keep it from playing in the World Series and confine it to the Junior League .
11 Jonathan , Jonathan , dad wants to watch the news in a minute please , so hurry up and change it over You 'd think they 'd save that You do n't know , I would n't be surprised you will well that 's marvellous is n't it ?
12 So although this is fifty pence when you show it on here the fir so the first thing we 've got to do is change this fifty pence to get away from fifty pence or thirty pence or twenty and change it into a fraction .
13 Take one whole one , from the three whole ones , and change it to twelfths .
14 If you produce an invoice , and on reading it onscreen discover that you have entered £350 instead of £250 , almost every Windows user will expect to drop a text cursor over the offending 3 and change it to a 2 .
15 It 's very interesting to note that in contemporary political philosophy there is almost no room left for democratic decision making because in most theories that we 're given , more or less everything is already decided at a constitutional level I mean think of theory of justice , it 's the theory of justice that decides the basic nature of a constitution so the role of members of a government is simply to interpret and apply the constitution so they can make the most efficient tax policies given the basic constitution , but no individual has the authority to challenge that constitution and change it by democratic means .
16 The Parish Council have asked me to get an estimate from you for replacing the seat in its original position and concreting it in place .
17 Iago not only knows no altruism in himself , he blocks and destroys it in others :
18 Instead of highlighting the first cell with the formula in it , and the rest of the row or column , then accessing the edit menu and copying right or down , all you do is use that little cross in the bottom right hand corner of the cell border , and drag it across the range you want the formula copied to — Excel is clever enough to decide whether you want to copy or fill , and copies the formula through the range of cells — making the necessary alterations to cell references as it goes .
19 First , take the legs and heave them up and over ; then grab the body by the arms or legs and drag it to the edge … no , that would n't be practicable , that way the killer would be moving backwards and be the first to fall .
20 UCLA 's head of the Art department , Henry T. Hopkins , is taking over the directorship , and he plans to show special exhibitions in the building and develop it as a cultural centre for ‘ lectures , symposia , dance , film and poetry readings ’ .
21 And then we go beyond that , and develop it into this sort of slightly murky negative area .
22 Instead , I just lit up a straight fag and shared it with her , Bogart style .
23 ( Some pocket calculators will do this ; otherwise one obtains a random integer of 5 or 6 digits from a random number table and precedes it with a decimal point . )
24 No , I 'll I 'll I 'll ring them up and book it for eight .
25 One answer is to cut out a gull in white paper and sketch it from all angles ; at other times you can catch these interesting shapes with a camera .
26 She found the rabbit , chewing on a stubby cactus , and stabbed it in the neck .
27 Harry takes the matchstick out of his mouth and points it at Howard .
28 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
29 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
30 The Levellers articulated this awareness , and channelled it into a coherent set of democratic political demands .
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