Example sentences of "and [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the dim light the gold and strong colours glittered and glowed with rich intensity .
2 The role of an MAS specialist , in addition to helping a retained client through all stages of a proposed transaction , is to co-ordinate the delivery of other KPMG services , at the appropriate time , and to liaise with other professional parties to the transaction .
3 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
4 Law , to be " prescribed " , must be adequately accessible and formulated with sufficient precision to enable citizens to regulate their conduct .
5 The clinical effects are slight , and in the resting cat are limited to a chronic mild cough ; following exercise or handling , there may be coughing and sneezing with slight dyspnoea and production of mucoid sputum .
6 Harry swallowed the soft strangulation of tears and clung with desperate hands to the obstinacy that must do duty for his flagging courage .
7 The moment had come upon him too soon ; he felt his knees soften , and clung with rigid fingers to the pillar behind which he sheltered .
8 His hair was oiled , and arranged with obsessive neatness across his scalp , and his ears , the colour of raw tuna-fish , were big , intricate and well balanced .
9 You have to use these methods because there are fifty cassettes coming in every day and you need yours to be picked out and heard with particular care .
10 It was founded in the late 700s , but most of its present buildings ( pastel-coloured and timbered , and punctuated with onion-dome towers ) date from the reconstruction in the late 1600s and 1700s , after the 30 years war .
11 She had only seen Johnny dressed in what she supposed must be the nineteen forties ' version of casual wear ; but , of course , when he was formally attired he would have worn starched collars with his shirt , detachable and fastened with one of the studs which she now held in her hand .
12 She wore a dirty apron in dark , printed cotton , which went round her back and fastened with thin tapes , pulled awry over her black skirt and sweater , and she appeared flustered .
13 On Thursday and Friday nights and Sunday lunchtimes you can enjoy Malaysian or Indonesian curries , perhaps a Cambodian-style casserole of sweet potatoes , pumpkins and yams with fresh coriander , or the very popular macrobiotic platter , an assortment of tastes sometimes including arame , one of 10 different sea vegetables they prepare .
14 The extended professional , on the other hand , is concerned with locating his classroom teaching in a broader educational context , comparing his work with that of other teachers , evaluating his own work systematically , and collaborating with other teachers .
15 LSHTM is now working closely with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine , and collaborating with nearby medical microbiology and community health .
16 Today , after a period of five short years , we are a health-conscious nation , exercising careful concern about our guests ' cholesterol levels when we invite them round to supper , looking unconcerned as yet another jogger pounds us into the pavement as we take a stroll , and reacting with sheer open-eyed shock at the sight of a plate of bacon , eggs and bangers as we spoon down our own regular morning bran cereal — or dish of F-Pan Fibre-Filler .
17 This was caused by chlorine bleaching the pulp and reacting with other raw materials .
18 Even inside , the shards flashed and spat with white fire , and seemed to radiate cold .
19 ‘ Dear Sir or Madam , ’ it read , ‘ I asked if Willie could go and stay with God-fearing people so I hope he is .
20 Perhaps they would go down to the harbour in the evening and watch the yachts coming in to the anchorage , and sit with other groups at the chairs and tables outside the Bell Inn .
21 Unlike the apartment in Venice , this room was decorated in the English style and furnished with two plump single beds covered in chintz counterpanes .
22 The building has been carpeted throughout and furnished with new blinds and new lino .
23 It was draped with ruby velvet and furnished with gilded chairs .
24 Inside , it was lit by a single bulb wrapped round with a brown-paper shade and furnished with three wooden chairs and a counter on which stood two telephones and a litter of timetables and pads .
25 She had made it an attractive place , beautifully decorated with light paint , and furnished with old pieces picked up at auctions with taste and considerable knowledge of antiques .
26 After a pause Perkin put his back towards Gareth and his face down near mine and asked with perfect calmness , ‘ Do you know who shot you ? ’
27 I turned , and asked with real interest , " What did I hear you call me ? "
28 She swallowed the mountain that had lodged in her throat and asked with thin sarcasm , ‘ Why , has n't she told you ? ’
29 Because I mean we 've helped you with this and helping with that anyway .
30 They had stayed in the abbey kicking their heels and helping with administrative tasks to pay their way ; now , one of them was only too happy to take the letter and ride south with Corbett 's instructions ringing in his ears .
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