Example sentences of "and [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The rise in the popularity of herbs as medicinal remedies is less obvious but it seems to have come partly from a general dissatisfaction with synthesized drugs , as well as plastics , artificials and chemicals — " manufactured " articles of all kinds , which are being rejected in favour of substances naturally grown and formed by hand into the artifact required .
32 The Constitution , defining Romania as a " democratic and social state " and criticized by opposition parties as according too much power to the President , came into effect immediately .
33 It is fitted with the Automatic Vacuum for the L & NW , and the Westinghouse brake for the Caledonian , the pipes running along the sides , under the frames ; and Peters & Co 's American system of steam heating — an inner tube filled with acetate of soda , and heated by steam from the engine sent through an outer one , the amount of heat being under the control of the guard .
34 To detect contamination occurring during preparation of samples , negative control samples containing only water were treated exactly as the tissue samples and examined by polymerase chain reaction techniques .
35 The vesicle preparation was diluted 1:4 with NaCl-Tris buffer and examined by electron microscopy using : ( i ) Negative staining with sodium phosphotungstate as described by Tall et al , and ( ii ) Platinum coating of vesicles on a carbon free hydrophilic grid as described by Huang .
36 Land ownership rights were investigated and recognized by tide deeds .
37 Millones ( 1982 ) believes that the value of the soil as a resource was fully acknowledged by the Incas and is reflected in the many thousands of hectares that were contour terraced and irrigated by water stored in artificial lakes ( chochas ) .
38 The early poles were made from two seasoned larch trees — spliced and joined by metal hoops — from Parlington Park , the estate of the Gascoigne family , lords of the manor .
39 Between 1934 and 1937 it invalidated a string of measures initiated by President Roosevelt and passed by Congress to attempt to deal with the economic depression , while between 1954 and 1963 it made a series of decisions regarding the rights of blacks far in advance of anything that could obtain strong presidential and congressional support .
40 I have in mind such measures as coverage , timeliness , accuracy , ease of use , and so on , all of which if assessed and publicised by library and information professionals would do a great deal to improve the overall standard of business information sources .
41 She wondered why they slept by day and travelled by night and decided to ask them when they woke up .
42 A shortish , mild-mannered man , who grew tomatoes and travelled by bicycle , Cutts handled nearly all his business correspondence in his own hand , and liked to have dealt with it all by 9 am .
43 The old houses were at their best in it , their shabbiness , the cracks in their fabric veiled , as an ageing face is veiled and smoothed by candlelight .
44 For example , by looking at a pot , it may be suspected that it has not been thrown on a wheel but has been made from coils of clay , joined together and smoothed by hand to form the wall of the pot .
45 In this category comes the Weiss glider of 1905 , a bird-like device built and flown by artist José Weiss and tested at Amberley Mount in Sussex .
46 The machine seems to need neither worship nor fear to make it run ; it is built on rational philosophical principles and sustained by money , labour , steam and steel .
47 Hunched in a remote and subordinate cranny of government — devising a rent bill at the Ministry of Housing and Local Government , as a matter of fact — I was not disposed to go overboard when our armed forces were launched into the attack in November ; but what on earth was intended to come out of it and how an occupation found untenable could be tenably restored and sustained by force was beyond the comprehension of this unmoved spectator .
48 This notion was taken up in the model proposed by Pearce and Hall ( 1980 ) ( and developed by Hall and Pearce ( 1982 ) , and by Pearce , Kaye , and Hall ( 1982 ) ) , which was presented originally as an account of classical conditioning .
49 Newton 's physics , however , once it had been created and developed by way of the conjectures of the likes of Galileo and Newton , was a superior theory that superseded Aristotle 's .
50 There is a distinction , originating in Freud and developed by Lacan , between ‘ need ’ , ‘ demand ’ and ‘ desire ’ in which needs can be satisfied by the adequate object ( food ) , demands , while aimed at an object , are addressed to others ( the demand for love or attention disguised as a need for food ) , while desires have no real object , relate only to fantasy , and can not be satisfied ( the desire for unity and plenitude ) .
51 In the end they were made of specially manufactured rubber and painted by hand .
52 The wound response of tomato plants can be inhibited by salicylic acid and agents like fusicoccin that affect ion transport , and wounding by heat or physical injury produces electrical activity that has similarities to the epithelial conduction system used to transmit a stimulus in the defence responses of some lower animals .
53 Any British secondary school head , deputy head or head of department will be acutely conscious that his or her work will ultimately be judged and validated by examination grades .
54 A kind of traumatized folk-punk , shifting fitfully between grace and frenzy , extremes of heat and cold , their debut album is the choreography of a body possessed and scattered by dread : as The Stud Brothers put it , music like ‘ a punch , accentuating and projecting every hiss , mutter and scream … so exact and punctual it 's simply sublime . ’
55 The first stage of this argument , however , is to demonstrate the importance of regional and local perspectives on population and to indicate by reference of the lack of official statistics on local populations and migration , how little attention is currently paid by central government to these questions .
56 Sometimes this knowledge is supplemented by some familiarity with theoretical linguistics illustrated by examples from the language in question , or more rarely the knowledge of literature is wholly or partly replaced and supplemented by knowledge of the contemporary history , sociology and economics of a country where the language is spoken .
57 Human life is affected and constrained by material factors that are comparatively permanent .
58 Large packages may be unloaded onto pallets and moved by fork-lift truck .
59 Gourmet food , accompanied by vintage claret and preceded by champagne , comes as standard .
60 The passage continued narrow , clearly cut and low-roofed , a safe and secret way out of the castle by which the garrison could retreat towards Shrewsbury , if too hard pressed , and by which it could receive stores and reinforcements in time of siege , or emerge to raid and counterattack by night .
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