Example sentences of "and [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The moving spectacle , which was interrupted repeatedly by rounds of automatic weapons fire , was carried live on Sarajevo television , and beamed to homes in all the former Yugoslavian republics .
2 As someone who lives just outside Brighton and commutes to Autocar & Motor 's office on the outskirts of Teddington , West London , it 's fitting that I should be the Clio 's new keeper .
3 Patrick leaned forward and whispered to Joseph .
4 I leant over Mum and whispered to Dad .
5 She kicked forward and whispered to Scathach , ‘ They 're not wolves , they 're humans .
6 Sir Bruce sipped , made a face , and whispered to Agnes : ‘ And I thought we suffered at MoD .
7 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
8 Seizing her opportunity , Margaret leant forward across her desk and whispered to Maura .
9 Chimbote was a dreadful place , litter everywhere and smelling to hell of oil .
10 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
11 On Feb. 18 , 1990 , however , President Mobutu introduced emergency measures to revise the budget , stating that public spending would have to be cut and limited to priority areas .
12 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
13 If infection is by ingestion the larvae may either penetrate the buccal mucosa an undergo the pulmonary migration described above or pass direct to the intestine and develop to patency .
14 The remaining 11% of the total educational expenditure in 1989–90 was direct spending by the Scottish Office , mostly on higher education : student awards and grants to Colleges of Education and Central Institutions .
15 Civil spending on goods and services ( health , education and so on ) increased by 50 per cent more than total output , and grants to persons ( e.g. pensions ) grew .
16 Such policies would involve government intervention to provide better training and job information to reduce occupational immobility , and grants to firms to set up in areas of high unemployment to reduce regional imbalances .
17 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
18 She shivered and clung to Maggie , burying her head like a child .
19 Here on the islands , where there was little vegetation , one species fed on seaweed and clung to rocks among the surging waves with unusually long and powerful claws .
20 At a recent NRA seminar for interested parties , speakers from the NRA brought out the key points of the plan and explained to delegates what the scheme is all about ( Chem .
21 Fraser dealt with this problem without difficulty and explained to Law in 1913 that " the importance of getting important speeches in advance is shown in concrete manner by your Wallsend speech on October 29th .
22 She took Mandy home at once and explained to Mrs. Maddison what had happened .
23 Steve Harris , a director who joined Medeva soon after Taylor , had experience of OTC and explained to Chemistry in Britain the rationale for this decision .
24 The stoma care nurse was therefore careful to show no revulsion when changing the bag and explained to Mr Reynolds that the faecal fluid passing through the colostomy was not a permanent feature and that when he recommenced solid food the colostomy would produce more formed faeces .
25 At the same time documents have to be read , thinned down and explained to colleagues , usually with a footnote to mention that there is more documentation that the head will protect them from .
26 receptus et admissus fuit in municipes et fratres guildae prefat burgi de Aberedeen — it was then sealed , rolled like a diploma and fastened to Johnson 's hat with a red ribbon .
27 So its fizzy white wine from Spain ( which costs 69 cents a bottle to buy and ship to Moscow ) wears a smart Anis label .
28 Most writings seem to agree that leadership vision , or ‘ visioning ’ , as the process has sometimes been called , can be broken down into three distinct stages : ( 1 ) the envisioning of ‘ an image of a desired future organizational state ’ ( Bass , 1987 : 51 ) which ( 2 ) when effectively articulated and communicated to followers ( Bennis and Nanus , 1985 ; Tichy and Devanna , 1986 ; Gluck , 1984 ) serves ( 3 ) to empower those followers so that they can enact the vision ( Sashkin , 1987 ; Srivastva , 1983 ; Conger and Kanungo , 1987 ; Robbins and Duncan , 1987 ) .
29 After centrifugation , chloroform phases were mixed and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen atmosphere .
30 At the end of the street he had the option of turning left , into the town , or right , along the road which skirted the shore and led to Moorgate and the hill to Albert Tarace .
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