Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then he went to the john for twenty minutes and squelched back clicking and ticking like a geiger counter .
2 He chose a place between two snoring servants and laid down to sleep , oblivious to the figure watching him from the shadows .
3 They could even lose and stay up providing two of their lower-placed rivals lose .
4 They could even lose and stay up providing two of their lower-placed rivals lose .
5 Above FIGURE 6 On a cold day in the fields , red-legged partridges can become spherical in shape , and sit round looking like a collection of footballs .
6 Should we then insist that it is all SEGLAB 's fault and sit back waiting for it to improve ?
7 Come and sit down come and sit down .
8 Out of the corner of her eye she watched Travis unroll the sleeping-bag and sit down to remove his boots .
9 I take my jacket off again and sit down to look through the War files …
10 Then they all come in and sit down to eat .
11 ‘ I 've seen 'em putting the notices up and goin' round knocking on doors , ’ my assailant told him .
12 We need to listen — and to go on listening — to the Bible and to later spiritual writers and preachers ; we need to give due weight to tradition and also to try to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in our own time .
13 Firstly , the council could have opted for a significant increase in the er I five allocation and to go on to see to identify a site in the local plan .
14 But her sister begged her so hard not to leave her and to go on sleeping with her that she gave way .
15 All of these things encouraged the movie moguls to put their faith back into entertainment , to make good movies , and to go out looking for new and bigger audiences .
16 Theda gasped , glancing down at her hurting hand and back up to find a malevolent twist in the old lady 's wasted features .
17 Let's get you covered now and back off to sleep .
18 But gradually , over the years , they had defected , as weak as the teenagers they so relentlessly criticized : they 'd let the old ways lapse in order to slump like dummies in front of appalling chat shows and glimpses of the Sugar Plum Fairy and obsequious shots of the Royal Family and its corgis and babies , to goggle at old movies and new dance routines and to sit back sucking sweeties while sneering at pop stars and newscasters making fools of themselves at televised parties .
19 The report examined research from the United Kingdom , the United States and Australia , and concluded that cigarette advertising is getting through to children and encouraging them to smoke and to carry on smoking .
20 Families can be encouraged to take the relative out for the day for as long as that can be managed , and to carry on visiting at least weekly .
21 The scheme will be targeted at 25–35 year-old chemical engineers or chemists to encourage them to take up the available lecturing academic posts and to carry out teaching and research on environmental issues .
22 Use your mirrors , on narrow or winding roads or where there is a lot of oncoming traffic , drivers of large or slow moving vehicles should be prepared to pull in and slow down to stop as soon as there is suitable opportunity , well , before you take off or turn left or turn right , or slow down or stop , use your mirrors , you should always look behind even if they 're none , a motor cycle should always look behind either , then give the appropriate signal if necessary , remember the routine
23 The embryo proper comes from some of the cells on the inside — the inner cell mass — and goes on to gastrulate .
24 There he pronounces Owenism 's insistence on the right of property to be its vitiating weakness and contrasts it unfavourably with those who ‘ could see that Socialism entailed the expropriation of the great land owners ’ ; and goes on to conclude that because Owen refused to face the problem of ownership and power , he was able to remain quite indifferent to political Radicalism and to lead the movement astray .
25 Act One opens with three trios for the men , followed by a duet for the sisters , and goes on to include two quintets ( one of which is the heavenly ‘ Di scrivermi ogni giorno ’ , during which the lovers bid farewell while Don Alfonso comments cynically in the background , and the exquisitely beautiful trio for the two girls and Don Alfonso , ‘ Soave sia il vento ’ ( featured in the film Sunday , Bloody Sunday ) .
26 This describes the property , usually by reference to an address , and goes on to include any easements or other matters that the property has the benefit of and will also mention any declaration , exception or reservation .
27 He begins by presenting the information content of several protein families and goes on to deal with a variety of subjects , such as the evolution of the genetic code , neurobiology , the primaeval soup , black holes and cosmology .
28 A LETTER reproves me for singling out rotten spelling in other places , notably The Guardian , and goes on to point out that this magazine is not immune .
29 The document begins : ‘ Be it now proclaimed by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Beaver under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ’ and goes on to support the work done to try and preserve the line as a ‘ national monument of historical importance ’ .
30 In a sideswipe at some earlier Soviet historiography , Umanskii writes that ‘ history does not need embellishments ’ , and goes on to state that
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