Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is there anyone you know who thought Mills was a traitor and cared enough to see him dead ? ’
2 Firstly , the council could have opted for a significant increase in the er I five allocation and to go on to see to identify a site in the local plan .
3 And checked hastily to see that Marion could n't hear him .
4 Sheepishly I fed the other meter , too , and slouched in to see my Alexander Technique teacher , who 's helping me to stand up straight .
5 The City Research project is now moving in to its second year and has already seen the publication of three reports .
6 Olsen has belief in frank , and has also seen him play U21 successfully .
7 Graham has been put before seminars of skin specialists from all over the British Isles — and has even seen one expert from Canada .
8 He 's conscious that safety-critical items such as tyres and brakes must n't be skimped on , but he 's not overly concerned about sticking to the recommended 6000-mile service schedule ; so far the Sierra has on average been serviced every 13,500 miles and has never seen the inside of a Ford dealer 's workshop .
9 Bureaucracy is a dirty word even among bureaucrats , and in business there is a widespread view that managerial hierarchy kills initiative , crushes creativity , and has therefore seen its day .
10 The manager had watched Rangers play Dundee United at Ibrox last month and has therefore seen Walter Smith 's side put under pressure over two games — a two-goal lead having been lost in Glasgow before Ally McCoist eventually scored the winner .
11 Gabriel knelt up inside the cart and peered out to see what would happen .
12 So the women got Anna to open her door and the prince was pushed forward and asked her pardon and promised never to see the French girl again and they had a great drama and Anna consented to be reconciled .
13 Once committed , he drew breath hard , and stooped nearsightedly to see what fate had granted him .
14 Sorneone saw the open garage door and sneaked in to see what he could pinch .
15 She stared at him and seemed not to see him .
16 ‘ I think you gave me one too , ’ I said , then , very gingerly , I straightened up and twisted round to see that Murder Cay was far behind us and well out of machine-gun range .
17 And Ive never seen a ball hit from that far out , rise in a straight line ( showing the power behind it ) .
18 Well when the sirens went at the beginning , what few rifles we 'd got , he 'd er take us out and string we out along this brook , a rifle every so often and and facing one way and looking round to see when anything goes up and in case anybody come over or anything come over and er that was the initial start .
19 This and and looking round to see that you were working .
20 ‘ Aye , ’ I said , wiping my eyes with my sleeve and looking round to see that we were still alone .
21 Then , like a break in the rhythm of a fugue , I heard the Sheikha say ‘ Um Hamed ’ , and looking up saw Um Hamed and two of the women of her hareem walking through the court toward us .
22 I draw parallel with the door and crane forward to see into the room .
23 Then we would tell her the same story , in the same words , like a folk-tale : the ride on the motorway , the meal in the restaurant , her going to sleep and waking up to see sheep on the Derbyshire hills .
24 Lawyers , basically , are trained for and used to an adversary system — where they act either for the prosecution or plaintiff , or for the defence — and seem always to see things in terms of guilt or innocence .
25 During the 1970s , the government began a long programme under which medieval mosques would be restored and some of the glory of Iraq 's Islamic past reasserted , with Baghdad , Basra and Mosul again seen as centres of Arab culture .
26 And all I ken was that we got word that there was to be a school trip and that we were leaving I forget what tie in the morning , and going down to see the German ships .
27 I felt something wet on my leg and turned round to see a coffee stain spreading across a now ordinary hearth-rug and my fingers once more where they should be .
28 He put the phone down and turned round to see the whole family looking at him , open-mouthed .
29 He said he heard a car engine racing behind him and turned round to see headlights .
30 Start the conversation in a normal voice , and watch carefully to see how the answer matches the question .
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