Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 The story ends with the teacher coming over and praising him for this reaction and Little Turtle receiving a very good report card that term .
2 If these words , often carelessly spoken , can have such a long-term and devastating effect , think how much good we can do by encouraging our children and praising them for what they have achieved .
3 It may be extremely hard for your employer to justify a poor grading at assessment time when earlier in the year you received a letter from the chairman specifically thanking and praising you for your efforts .
4 Yeah , well you then just go and change them for that one drawing !
5 No , I 'll I 'll I 'll ring them up and book it for eight .
6 ‘ One is always grateful for that kind of comic genius who takes your script and plays it for everything that 's in it , ’ as Shaffer told me .
7 In his battle dispatch , Beatty described Cornwell 's bravery and recommended him for ‘ special recognition … as an acknowledgement of the high example set by him . ’
8 He particularly admired the beautiful white spikes of Itea and recommended it for late flowering , a quality which also applied to Clethra alnifolia .
9 The Gardeners ' Chronicle , reviewing the experiment , coined the name ‘ carpet bedding ’ for it , and recommended it for wider trial .
10 He rang her just before lunch and recommended us for their pets .
11 ‘ Sunday , then , ’ she said , and damned herself for the note of desperation in her voice .
12 They will understand me too quickly ; they will turn my own generosity against me and despise me for the lovers I took ; and they will cast me as the woman who briefly threatened to interfere with the writing of the books which they have enjoyed reading .
13 Mobutu resisted pressure from Western governments to enter into a power-sharing arrangement with Tshisekedi and attacked them for their " flagrant interference " ; he understood , he said , " that Western aid is mixed with all sorts of threats and blackmail " .
14 After her marriage Signor Cantoni 's mother had seemed unable to bear a child so she took a large bunch of carnations to the Madonna and asked her for the gift of a baby .
15 At Zog Central they found the policewoman and asked her for the key to their spaceship .
16 Having had the good fortune to fall in with Gabriel outside Cat 's Coffee Shop as she was on her way home , he had seized his chance and asked her for an early supper .
17 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
18 If you came in now and asked me for a pound of apples , well in a way I would n't know a stranger whether they like them under-ripe , ripe or just ready for eating .
19 A brave reporter thrust a microphone under his nose and asked him for his comments .
20 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
21 Thinking about this one morning in 1954 , I went along to the keeper of the laboratory chemical stores and asked him for something which was water-soluble and formed needle crystals .
22 I told him this and asked him for a prescription for a warm , dry home .
23 So with this going on we found our company would get on better if I had collateral so I wrote to this boy and asked him for a million and put it in a trust fund that I would get after his death , and we that way so okay .
24 I believe she has even phoned an old school friend of mine whom she avowedly dislikes and asked him for the manuscript of a symphony we once composed together .
25 Then went to the Citizen 's Advice Bureau ( CAB ) at Wembley , as my husband had suggested , and asked them for information about how to join a union .
26 To embroider the sampler , we turned to some multiple agencies and asked them for their recommendations of good value on a £1,000 booking for four people .
27 They were always touching each other ; they fucked the lecturers and asked them for money for drugs .
28 I moved some girls into the middle and asked them for their guesses .
29 Erm he wrote to Photo Gallery and asked them for er an exhibition date and they gave him one in nineteen ninety .
30 The Goths , however , objected to this national treasure being handed over , and redeemed it for 200,000 solidi .
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