Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 It also troubled Peggie Boswell , and arose in those memorable letters between herself and Johnson .
2 Figures were compared and checked against those provided from the computer print-out , leaving the manager optimistic about his potential success .
3 The need for periodic assessment is not disputed , particularly if it is directed towards known and widely accepted objectives , but the mechanisms by which such assessments are carried out should be clearly formulated in advance , and communicated to those to be assessed .
4 I caught his strange perfume and gazed into those clear , glass-like eyes .
5 Thus the existence of coalition served to divide the collective leadership by separating those who had power and influence from those who did not , by separating the senior men from their junior colleagues and by cutting off those under the Prime Minister 's influence from the rest .
6 Environmental bantustans are set aside where virtually unrestricted leisure activity is allowed and even encouraged , so that the surrounding area can be strictly controlled and rationed for those interested in a more solitary appreciation of the countryside .
7 Indeed time itself seems alternately to scud and to suspend during those ten seconds .
8 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
9 We shall therefore only look at some of the writings we could have considered , and concentrate on those works which contain a large proportion of anthropological discussion .
10 Try and concentrate on those parts of your body that do feel comfortable .
11 I could point to quite a few leaders about whom I am not enthusiastic but I will refrain from naming them , and concentrate on those I like .
12 And concentrate on those points that are in the advocacy criteria guide in making your preparations .
13 Try to ignore the things which are n't really important and concentrate upon those which matter . "
14 Erm basically as a new market opportunities come he 's got ta develop er and adapt to those any new opportunities that do arise .
15 They are politically unpopular and discriminate against those with high borrowing commitments , such as those with large mortgages .
16 A teenager who feels she has a share in making family policies is far more likely to accept the need to give and take , balancing her wants and needs with those of her parents .
17 What they do not tell , however , is the human dimension of the Pacific story — the human reasons behind the staggering growth of the region , the ways in which this virtuoso performance actually affects the lives of the men , women and children of the Pacific , and the ways in which the Pacific people are different in outlook , aspirations , fears and needs from those who live beyond the Ocean .
18 MEMHS , which employs 180 staff and cares for those suffering from mental illness in the district , first applied to become a NHS trust in its own right last year .
19 The Diploma is pitched at HNC or HND level , and designed for those who already have a diploma , degree or equivalent qualification in another discipline .
20 Alexander found that the control group shared the views of the complainants and disagreed with those supporting the managers in 18 out of 20 areas .
21 Similarly no one who has attended the Yeats Summer School in Sligo will deny that the seminars and lectures are less profitable than driving to Glencar , or Gort , and walking in those places , or wandering in the demesne of Lissadell and under the shoulder of Ben Bulben .
22 Although his prosecution , normally based on false evidence , had little chance or success , it was a weapon which could cause expense and bother to those he thought responsible .
23 Man is increasingly wretched , humiliated , alone and oppressed by those economic , political , legal and law enforcement powers which are the reality of what is called destiny .
24 Good learning environments are more than the sum of their parts ; they are exciting , attractive , motivating and challenging for those within them .
25 They also emphasised that all assessment information about an individual should be treated as confidential , and confined to those with a clear ‘ need to know ’ .
26 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
27 If anything I think women 's education now has to compensate a little erm and provide for those areas in which women start in a way that could be considered a handicap to men .
28 We welcome the advice that new retail development should be sited so as to reduce the number and length of car journeys and to provide for those who do not have access to a car .
29 One till three as well the Special Needs Support Group are meeting at Ilkeston Health Centre and they offer mutual support and understanding to those parents who have children with special needs .
30 Facing the realities of the background that has moulded their early life and finding forgiveness and understanding for those who , in the name of love , have moulded this type into submission , and learning that it is all right to show feeling and emotions will ultimately bring release and freedom to follow as their hearts dictate .
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