Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The old nun was as imperious as ever but she visibly thawed when she saw Corbett and beamed with pleasure at his gift .
2 Cranston drained his cup and beamed in self congratulation , giving a sly grin at Athelstan , who glared back .
3 The patients , too , are the same ; skinny single parents in stone-washed jeans , hair longish and limp with bleach , oily-haired lads in dirty anoraks , babies in prams and famished couples .
4 These included the non-payment of military arrears , the excise tax , the slowness and excessive centralization of justice , tithes , and hanging for theft .
5 I leant over Mum and whispered to Dad .
6 ( Alfred has a robust appetite for life ; Michael is mollycoddled and plagued with gastritis . )
7 But in another way some stubbornness was at work in me , some determination never to give up , and to cling in secret to whatever reality I could find for myself .
8 Sat and glowed with satisfaction for a few hours in silence , studying their effect .
9 ‘ Would you rather I turned up in my paint-stained jeans and smelling of turpentine ? ’
10 They sat on staircases to talk about poetry or politics , and many of them smoked long thin cigarettes rolled in dark brown paper and smelling of perfume .
11 She had found one months later under the vegetable rack , shrunk to the size of a nut , dark wizened brown , and smelling of cider .
12 A few steps past the skips brings you to the lift , an aluminium cell sticky with spit and sweets and smelling of disinfectant .
13 She has also a teething baby , pinched and veined and smelling of milk .
14 She comes up gasping , the air warm about her face , hair dank and smelling of mud as her feet touch the bottom , sinking into its softness .
15 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
16 Chimbote was a dreadful place , litter everywhere and smelling to hell of oil .
17 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
18 TAKES 25 hectares of pasture that a farmer wants to drain and plough for winter wheat .
19 And grew frenzied enough , more than once , to attempt to take her , a half-rape , half-seduction , to which she appeared to submit and then , at the last moment , eluded him ; leaving him more famished and furious and consumed by passion than ever .
20 You may not believe it , but yours is a privileged generation , For your grandparents , sex was a taboo subject , enclosed by walls of " Thou shall nots ' and compounded by ignorance .
21 ‘ No , no , not a word , ’ said Joseph , trembling and blushing with terror .
22 The very notion of development and change over time is contained within the notion of implicit and explicit aspects of attitudes .
23 Perhaps too the future of systems , by focusing upon the mechanics of the system , will necessarily incorporate processes , man and change over time , and employ quantitative methods — thus providing an integration of the themes in the previous four chapters .
24 Return and change into uniform .
25 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
26 The practice of meditation and contemplation is life-long , reflecting this daily process of repentance and change at heart .
27 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
28 This process is like the creative process of mind where ideas and images stored in the mind 's vats join together and change through time and become the matter of poetry .
29 Topics covered in the final year include Issues in Sport , Innovation and Change in Sport , Individual Performance and Sport , Practical Studies , Management , Policy Making and Planning .
30 The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987 in what was seen as a retrenchment and change in direction of its development .
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