Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Each time it is called it snaps a new picture , since the position of the test card is presumed to have changed , and outputs some messages .
2 Do not forget Mr Hurd 's record for soothing nerves and conciliating Tory antagonists .
3 The talks were due to include discussions of measures to reduce tension between the two states and to promote bilateral exchanges .
4 A significant focus for the controversy was the theatre , which , like the transvestite , was seen both to epitomize and to promote contemporary forces of disruption in and through its involvement with cross-dressing .
5 The discussion of export cartels in the previous section has pointed to the possibility that competition policy might be designed and applied to protect domestic markets and to promote domestic producers in export markets .
6 Continue to monitor the performance of engineering solutions to determine their effectiveness and to promote continuing improvements to the pedestrian facilities provided .
7 I am particularly pleased to have been able to see through the work to stamp out default and to promote high standards in the profession . ’
8 He also highlighted the need for Christian booksellers to become involved in secular franchises and to promote Australian writers .
9 While persecution varies in intensity from country to country and over time within one country , I can think of no Marxist-Leninist government which has not as a matter of official policy harassed , discriminated against and persecuted religious minorities .
10 The police had warrants to look for evidence of unlawful drinking and to search five houses for petrol bombs , although no evidence of either was found .
11 What makes the work scientific is the care taken to avoid error , to be thorough and exhaustive , and to check and recheck all findings .
12 Therefore , within certain urban cores the government was prepared to offer special arrangements : it was willing to enter into formal arrangements with the then two tiers of local government to devise and to implement urban strategies .
13 This deviation from Beveridge 's plan made the scheme expensive to general taxation , and probably tended to prevent the adoption of benefit levels sufficient to provide subsistence incomes to those with no other resources and to inhibit subsequent increases to keep up with the cost of living .
14 My own mother 's bedroom was a bright white gallery fronted by an old Mexican balcony overflowing with fuchsia and courting pink wildflowers .
15 Care assistants help to run and supervise these activities .
16 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
17 Krone et at found increased mortality in those patients with one or more of the following : failure to raise systolic BP above 110 mmHg , inability to complete the exercise schedule and paired ventricular complexes .
18 Some species are very tiny , and encrust other shells .
19 I 've left out and altered some things because they were n't right for a court report .
20 The questions to be asked in relation to adoptive parents are : first , whether they can successfully parent a child and develop deep attachments to it without a feeling of ‘ entitlement ’ or of being in charge and whilst there are continued visits or contacts by birth parents or birth relatives .
21 We will press ahead with regular appraisal of teachers to encourage high standards and develop professional skills .
22 These modules will provide the opportunity for students to specialise in the Sciences and develop vocational competences including Lead Body Standards where these are available .
23 It was her research that showed how close we are in evolutionary terms to the apes : how they communicate with each other , use tools ( hitherto thought to be a strictly human activity ) and develop lifelong bonds of family and friendship .
24 Also late in 1989 LEDU awarded Worknet a contract to assist people in West Belfast who had a business or self-employment idea to take their ideas forward and develop small businesses within the community .
25 Newspapers , journalists do n't just work office hours , I know they 'd like to but they , they I do n't let them but also a tremendous problem that they that that that you are always tied up in meetings and things during the day , you know , so make sure , try and develop personal contacts so you 've got a decent personal contact when you do n't mind giving your home number to someone .
26 Erm , the first thing you do is a central policy thing , a major function is to analyze , interpret and develop strategic responses responses to all major Government legislation .
27 Train and develop all employees with respect to objectives of the Strategic Plan .
28 I will probably contact many of you over the next few months to try to establish the working conditions in various areas and develop future strategies accordingly .
29 A new export-processing zone near Lomé , designed to attract foreign capital and develop non-traditional exports , was expected to come into operation after the publication of enabling decrees by the Council of Ministers in May 1990 .
30 Nevertheless , quite apart from their value as a temporary measure to kick-start a move to overcome corporate cultural stereotypes , it was argued convincingly that at an operational level they worked as a performance standard on managers , making them work harder to find , encourage and develop female high-fliers .
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