Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Holly finding that his packet had not been taken , retrieving it , hurrying away , and frightened to look over his shoulder and check whether he was under surveillance .
2 then one day she rang and asked to come over — and we went to collect her and she 's been with us ever since .
3 ‘ Very good ! and oh ! up jumps the bee and goes buzzing over to the other side — to — to Max 's book , and he says to Max , bzz , bzz Mr Max , have you got any flowers for me to eat ? and Max says — ssh , can you hear him … ? ’
4 That time he played a yellow cab driver and got run over by his own cab .
5 JACK Lee , whose name will always be associated with the Midland School of Embalming , which he founded just after the war and from which he has trained many hundreds of embalmers the world over , has decided to take more of a ‘ back seat ’ and has handed over the principal 's chair to John Davis , although he will still be ‘ in the wings ’ as an advisory tutor .
6 The Neighbourhood Watch Committee provides a regular newsletter for the village and has taken over the distribution of Christmas parcels to the pensioners .
7 Although Cheetham walked away with packets of dosh and has taken over Weidenfeld , his new list of authors relies on the same tired ( and expensive ) formula of ‘ star ’ novelists , which ultimately bores the reader and spoils the cash flow .
8 Steve works in the engineering office and has taken over some of the er you know purchasing function as well , like enquiries and stuff .
9 The myth of the returned loved one is rooted deep in both Celtic and Norse mythology and has carried over into more recent times .
10 The couples frequently face each other looking into each other 's faces and appear to crouch over their feet slightly which emphasises the ‘ down to earth ’ quality as most steps appear to go down into and not out of the ground .
11 But she did n't want that either and tried to smooth over any awkwardness by saying :
12 He said , ‘ What ? ’ and tried to look over his shoulder , as if not sure who was there .
13 A girl came in and tried to haggle over a nineteenth-century vase , but Rachaela told her Mrs Mantini fixed the prices fairly and never reduced items .
14 At the end of Salvation Street he paused and seemed to hesitate over whether to return to the town or take the road in the direction of Moorgate and the house on stilts .
15 The cop hitched up her trousers and came sauntering over .
16 ONE AFTERNOON KĀLI BROUGHT THE COWS HOME EARLY AND CAME rushing over to ask me to go to the forest with her to collect a load of pine-needles .
17 We 'll probably all go mad and die fussing over our food .
18 Denktash had been rebuked by Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 6 for being " in total opposition to all UN resolutions , to the society of nations and to the Security Council " , refusing to accept the return of refugees , insisting on two separate states and separate sovereignty , rejecting the proposed map and refusing to hand over Varosh , the Greek suburb of Famagusta , to UN administration .
19 Arrange meter readings disconnection at your existing home and confirm taking over gas and electricity at new address
20 On Jan. 20 the chairman of the National Security Court announced that " about 20 " people had been charged with murder , treason and attempting to take over the government by force .
21 There 's one or two empty shops , but they appear to be moving fairly quickly and getting taken over .
22 His gaze left her face and began to roam over her figure , and her nerve gave out entirely .
23 Rohmer turned away from Cardiff and began to walk over to them .
24 On North went : ‘ I 'm really worried because I have the only copy and it 's in my safe , and I could cross the street tomorrow and get run over by a truck and so no-one would ever know .
25 Go straight down decides to indicate and decide to pull over .
26 Others thus jammed beside her were shouting questions to those before them , and craning to peer over their heads .
27 She moved to another part of the studio and started to turn over a number of stretched canvases , all of them blank .
28 ‘ This guy got fed up with it , threw his skis over one ridge and started to climb over when it collapsed .
29 I was now able to breathe properly and started to feel over my body with both hands .
30 It is a sense of defeat and having to start over again .
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