Example sentences of "and [prep] [adv] you " in BNC.

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1 And on a good night the stars would seem to brighten ; if you looked up it was like a clear winter 's night in the city , one of those nights when you find yourself on a dark street , one without streetlamps , and for once you can see that the stars have different colours ; they are like still fireworks .
2 Figure 8 shows the Utilities Screen and from here you can choose and run a variety of the helpful programs available in DOS5 .
3 The bell tower is the highest building in the city , and from there you 'll see a carpet of red-roofed houses rolled out below you .
4 These , like the basic set , begin with instructions for all these lovely patterns in the basic state and from there you can run through a gamut of colour alteration , tension experiments and striped treatments .
5 We 'll start down at the far end of what we call the lured mark and from there you 'll have to tack all the way up to this closest one , the windward mark .
6 The lines seem to shift and shimmer as you look at them and before long you have a powerful desire to look away , anywhere but at the painfully dazzling pattern in front of you .
7 Every project you undertake will be better than the last and before long you will be able to say : ‘ Well , that 's not too bad but I 'm sure that the next job will be perfect . ’
8 The same applies with the teachers , they soon get to know you and before long you get to know them all .
9 and in here you 've got some bones okay ?
10 And since then you 've worked a great deal together ?
11 And since then you 've gone your own way and the Gardener Centre 's gone its own way and it 's , to be honest , gone down and up and down and
12 And also there 's my business card and on there you 'll see that you 've got a contact number
13 And at least you will not have worn yourself out with unavailing efforts .
14 Brushing my hair set my teeth on edge but I finally got most of it laying down , and at least you could n't see my new bumps from the front .
15 And at least you wanted to put right the wrong by offering to marry me . ’
16 ‘ I have had a very boring evening , a very frustrating evening , and at least you are beautiful . ’
17 Tourists navigated with resigned expressions : this was Holiday and at least you could understand the lingo .
18 and er , so all I had to do was the tenons really and , and at least you know that they 're symmetrical
19 And at least you 've got the questions .
20 I am in receipt of your letter dated 27 October , received by fax , and by now you are no doubt aware of my views on yhe decidion to sell David Batty .
21 Then you had to sit there and the sergeant would say , ‘ Fall in , ’ and you 'd fall into line , ‘ Section correct , sir , ’ and he might be another ten minutes before he decided to say , ‘ Dismiss ! ’ and by then you 'd lost an hour .
22 ahead you 'd , yeah but you ca n't have that till sixteen weeks and by then you sh you know you show do n't you ?
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