Example sentences of "and [noun] has [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The homology of a particular vein is often difficult to determine and resort has to be made to comparison with allied forms ( including fossils ) , which exhibit transitional stages in reduction , or to a study of the preceding tracheation .
2 Under the current rules of evidence , sensitive police information about intelligence gathering and informants has to be disclosed to the defence if the judge orders it .
3 Celts , Goths , Visigoths , Huns , Avars , Magyars , Cumans , Pechenegs , Tatars , Mongols , Turks have all had to take or occupy its key fortresses ; hence the importance of Belgrade , of Budapest , even of Vienna , for that gap between the Northern Carpathians and the Eastern Alps which lies between Vienna and Bratislava has to be traversed to gain access to the German plain .
4 They 're not on show because displaying costume is very difficult , because you have to have very strict environment control ; and light has to be very dim and you have to watch the relative humidity .
5 And Glotz has for many years now supervised all my recordings .
6 The way of life of the Dalmatian peasants and fisherfolk , and of the citizens of the former Venetian colonies of Split , Šibenik and Zadar has for centuries resembled that of the Italians on the western shore of the Adriatic rather than that of their Slav cousins who inhabit the Balkan interior .
7 As their retirement counselling manager explained , Legal and General has over one million people either paying towards or drawing out pensions , so it makes sense for them to offer pre-retirement courses which are paid for either by the individuals themselves or their employers .
8 ‘ There is definitely a need for trust and security has to be taken seriously .
9 Time is finite and business has to be done ; abuse consists of seeking merely to occupy the time of the House to no other end than that business shall not be done .
10 The disposal of trade , effluents has become an important factor in running factories in many industries all over the world , and attention has to be given to methods of dealing with waste waters in order to select the most economical methods , both in running costs and in capital expenditure .
11 Well I think people think that a certain amount of time and attention has to be devoted to the Party 's constitution , and there are two things that arose out of the conference in Brighton .
12 Getting the right result has not lost its importance , but it is no longer enough and attention has to be given to the wider service .
13 The causal link between effort , performance and outcome has to be viewed in individual and subjective terms .
14 However , these fans know that the terraces are not really dangerous , thus this sense of adventure and danger has to be constructed and exaggerated .
15 ‘ An advance guard of hundreds of men , with bulldozers , mechanical shovels , tractors and lorries has for months been scarring the lowlands , daubing the green acres with splashes of grey clay and red earth in a mariner unseen since Beaker Folk raised their burial mounds or Saxons threw up ramparts on surrounding hills .
16 potential customers — must be AWARE of the effect their appearance , [ and that of the site ] , their manner and behaviour has on these very important people .
17 In Suffolk , we are particularly glad that Customs and Excise has at last been persuaded that horse-racing is an industry not a hobby , and that it will adjust its VAT demands accordingly .
18 The civilization of China is among the oldest in the world , and China has throughout Japan 's history been the largest and most powerful of her Asian neighbours .
19 The workers feel the package is derisory , particularly as they have accepted minimum wage rises over the past few years and Yarrow has at least three years ' work on its books .
20 The specification of payment terms , currencies and dates has to be dealt with in much the same way , whether looked at from the point of view of the buyer or the seller , as can be seen by a comparison of Precedent 1 , cl 5.4 , and Precedent 2 , cl 5.1 .
21 It follows from the foregoing observations that a knowledge of right and wrong has of itself no power to control behaviour .
22 Remember that love and respect has to be earned , whether from an adult or from a child .
23 If some words are emotionally difficult to form — stay like stones in the throat — a verbal diarrhoea by which every thought and feeling has to be expelled forthwith can be equally uncommunicative .
24 The awful triumvirate of fear , guilt and anger has to be faced and the tension built up in the body dealt with .
25 Jamie and Alan have a strong , close relationship and Jamie has in the past quietly taken a lot of responsibility for Alan .
26 Thus the modern saloon and hatchback has to be all things to all people .
27 The alteration of text and individual notes and symbols has to be achieved on the music screen .
28 The first of the great wheels were tall , and consideration has to be made for the height of the canopy , but there were many adaptations of the walking wheel and the more familiar smaller wheel , at which the spinner sat , soon followed , and on a small gallery like the one at Hodge Hill , the mistress of the house could sit with her tiny flax wheel .
29 And government has to be ready to make the investments which private enterprise will not , whether in transport , education or public works .
30 our defence is among the best in world ( 3 goals conceded in 8 world cup qualifiers so far ) and our midfield ( 5 players ) is also quite good — a good blend of techies — Bohinen and Mykland has to be two of the best ever technical players to emerge from norw. futba , Flo is ‘ quite ’ good up in the air , Halle is stable as is Rekdal who also got a powerful shot ( as shown on Wembley : - ) ) .
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