Example sentences of "and [noun] had be " in BNC.

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1 Laing and Costain had been medium and small building firms respectively in the north of England before both moved south to London and prospered …
2 Already the ranks of the creative arts had been woefully thinned ; Braque badly wounded , Léger gassed , Derain unscathed but reduced to decorating shell cases ; Péguy and Alain-Fournier had been killed , and Apollinaire wounded in the head .
3 Kaszubian produce , though initially cheaper than German farm produce , was much more expensive by the time levies and taxes had been added .
4 And Ben had been a shadowy figure representing that other world ; the world into which Johnny could not pass .
5 A democratic society was one in which the mass of the people played an active rather than a passive role , and in which the old traditions of deference and subordination had been replaced by a sense of equality among the people — the feeling that one man , or even one person , is as good as another , or at least has an equal right to be respected and listened to .
6 In their introduction Sugden and John indicated in 1976 ( p. 1 ) that the study of glacial processes and forms had been left out in the cold and poorly understood because a gulf had arisen between those who study glaciology and those who study glacial landscape and deposits , and further that :
7 For instance , Parvin and Sabina had been given the task of measuring each other with bricks .
8 When the Treaties of Rome creating the Common Market and Euratom had been signed in 1957 , de Gaulle had criticized them and told aides that , if he came back to power , he would " destroy " them .
9 This was a further blow for Adolph Zukor ; both Arbuckle and Taylor had been under contract to him .
10 They frequently flew together in the two-seater bi-plane , covering large sections of the south coast and Keitel had been able to indulge in his interest for aerial photography .
11 Both Ter-Petrosyan and Manukyan had been imprisoned between December 1988 and May 1989 for membership of the Karabakh Committee , set up in 1988 to campaign for Armenian control of Nagorny Karabakh .
12 The attacks continued after ibuprofen and cimetidine had been stopped and recurred three days later , after chemotherapy in conjunction with intravenous dexamethasone , metoclopramide , and oral dexamethasone .
13 ‘ You never did tell me just exactly what you and Marianne had been to each other in the past . ’
14 This latter was in fact the fee farm of the borough , which had come to be permanently assigned to the earls of Salisbury , whose titles and possessions had been conferred on Margaret Pole , daughter of the duke of Clarence .
15 Individual adjectives and adverbs had been obliterated by a tight foliage of tangled afterthought , single sentences were submerged in blotchily leaved overgrowth , narrow black paths of muddied fear meandered between the rustling syntax , and whole paragraphs were lost beneath the heavy lattice of trunk-thick deletions .
16 Pictures of the Führer and Party emblems , uniforms , and literature had been thrown away or burnt before the arrival of the Russian , American , or British troops .
17 Previously , items such as tea , coffee , cocoa , sugar , jam , canned fruit , salmon and sardines had been sold from the same counters as their perishable equivalents .
18 By the end of the Middle Ages , the marshes in Kent and Sussex had been sufficiently reclaimed to reveal an abiding characteristic of such operations : that in certain circumstances land drainage contains the seeds of its own destruction .
19 BR did not lodge a defence until it was too late and judgement had been made .
20 Both her mother and Lisa had been cross with her ; they both had felt she ought to settle down .
21 And Trent had been correct as to the Kalashnikovs — one more failure for British exports .
22 Yesterday 's jeans and shirt had been tossed on to the rumpled heap made by his sleeping-bag and two dented pillows .
23 He came before the meeting as Chairman of the Legal Aid and Fees Committee , and moved the resolution in sadness and anger — sadness because it soured relations with the Lord Chancellor and the LCD and because time that he would rather have spent constructively had to be wasted on futile bickering , and anger because of the way that barristers and solicitors had been treated by the Government , especially a Government that spoke of the need for the business community to make prompt payment .
24 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
25 ( And Baden-Powell had been asked to become the first chairman of the Juvenile Organizations Committee , established by the Home Secretary , Herbert Samuel in 1916 . )
26 On one of his more exotic voyages a skull and crossbones had been tattooed on his shoulder by a Greek sailor who used ordinary blue ink and a sharp pin to stab the design into the skin .
27 The pharmaceuticals business — which was bound to suffer when the US patents expired last year on Tenormin , a beta-blocker and one of the world 's most successful drugs has been further hit by the failure of two products in which a lot of money and hope had been invested .
28 Her father was a rich and respected solicitor — not quite the right breeding , socially speaking , in County Westcommon , but Lalage 's charm and silly looks guaranteed her welcome in many houses to which her mother had never been invited : she and Nicandra had been " best friends " at their English school .
29 The layers of horn and yew had been blended together with such care that it was hard to tell which was set upon which .
30 In his report Sir Edward said that planning matters and roads had been the association 's major considerations .
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