Example sentences of "and [noun] had a " in BNC.

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1 Dustin and Peckinpah had a liking and respect for one another .
2 ‘ Both me and Vinny had a good sleep on the plane and we are ready for hard training .
3 The personalities of his parents , the warmth of family life , and the surrounding heath and woodland had a deep and lasting influence on Hardy .
4 In the 1950s , Northern Rhodesia , Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland had a federal government which ran an education television service .
5 Dad ran a garage and petrol station on the main road through Strathspeld village and Mum had a wee gift and coffee shop ; Dad had been worried after the Six-Day War when they 'd introduced the fifty-miles-an-hour speed limit and even issued fuel-rationing books , but that had n't lasted very long and , even though petrol cost more nowadays , people were still travelling and using cars .
6 Benjamin James was away in Somerset , and William had a family to accommodate , so the two unmarried children , Charles Frederick and Emily , set up house with their mother at 50 Cumberland Street , Barnsbury .
7 Harwood , when he had read Canto II , had ‘ danced for joy ’ , and Barfield had a very high opinion of the work .
8 Yeah Dorigo had a very good game and Macca had a brilliant game for Scotland .
9 When de Gaulle returned to London at the end of August 1941 , he and Churchill had a making-up of sorts , but behind the scenes British officials were now working to replace de Gaulle as head of the movement .
10 It was dark , and Shirl had a torch .
11 Both Samways and Allen brought fine saves from Nixon , and Samways had a goal disallowed .
12 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
13 If ever Ari and Bernard had a tiff , Laura would take Ari on one side , explain all Bernard 's good points and the difficulties he had encountered and then ‘ make me write a letter saying how I respected him . ’
14 Visits of inspection to the cookhouses and latrines had a squalor about them that scarcely repaid even average keeness .
15 The brother and sister had a lot more in common than was at first apparent .
16 Right , so me and Jim had a chat the other day just looking at the the roadside entries and the counts and I was sort of saying if we work on the basis that we want between ten and twelve people , twelve people maximum
17 Symptoms and signs had a sensitivity and specificity of upper gastrointestinal disease of 50% and 83% respectively , and 44% and 80% for colonic disease .
18 It was n't meant to be a cycling holiday and we did n't take any bikes with us , but Peter and Judy had a bike apiece for us to borrow .
19 The causal chain between stimulus and response had a kind of inevitability , an independence from processes which we would normally regard as mental : it by-passed our knowledge of the friend 's personality , history , and basic assumptions about human motivation , the orderliness of conduct , and so forth .
20 Both he and Minton had a fascination with Nelson and his association with the island may have been a factor .
21 There was practically none of the systematic planning and oversight which so characterised Bath and many other spas : that could only come from the implementation of a single plan by a great landowner and architect , and Brighton had a few of these .
22 Liverpool and Brighton had a goal-less first half , but Ian Rush put Liverpool in front three minutes into the second half , and two minutes later the same goal scorer netted number two .
23 me , my mate and paul had a terrible night out after the spurs game : first we were supposed to meet two fellow norw. at a pub ( the black lion ? ) and they never showed up — then we went downtown to the marquee which was empty ( 8 quid out of the window ) and a not the place to go at a saturday nite ( no live music , just house — which i quite like — but there has to be some people around ) — then standing in queue at ‘ the borderline ’ for a couple of hours not getting in … and it was bloody cold ( hi paul ) — the wind just froze my balls of ( well nearly ) … the meet-up was cozy though — no problems finding the guys ( or rather : just look for mr cantona ) and time for a couple of pints before and after the game and no problem wearing a leeds outfit at the pub … i was not sporting my leeds away scarf when among the newcastle crowd though ; - )
24 And Dot had a sinking feeling because she realized she 'd known all along even though she had n't wanted to .
25 And Doogie had a job to go to .
26 Liza and I had white satin dresses and shoes with bows on , and Frankie had a suit of small grey and white checked material with a cap to match and a pair of new boots .
27 Well I can I can remember when I was a child and kids had a lot of time to do hobbies and a favourite hobby was to make a a garden and I never made one , but a friend of mine was ooh forever making these things and giving them away as presents you got the lid of a biscuit tin or something of that sort and you I do n't know what they used for grass they used to model little ducks and things and he had a piece of mirror to make a pond have you ever seen this done ?
28 She and Johnny had a much more powerful enemy .
29 On the day of the overdose Charles and Ann had a row before he went to work , and later Charles came home to find his wife had left him .
30 Both Karrimor and Berghaus had a range of big , no frills , rucksacks for first time users , the former the Discovery range , the latter the Arrow range .
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