Example sentences of "and [noun] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the public ceremonies , the head boy , David Blank ( later to become a Governor ) , presented Daniels with an inscribed gold watch ; from the staff there was a standard lamp , a set of fish knives and forks from Sergeant , a pen from the Debating and Literary Society and the Cercle Français .
2 Paper pulp processes have also been modified following the discovery in the mid 1980s in the US of dioxins in the sludge and effluent from paper mills .
3 And Notes from Underground is precisely such a fable of disembodied consciousness .
4 Towards the end of ‘ Stately As a Galleon ’ I get cramp in both feet and they curl up under me like the last Empress 's fingernails and stay cramped through waltzing finale , curtain calls and notes from director , friends and husband .
5 Intended to introduce the young reader to natural history , the first four books in the series — entitled Puppy , Kitten , Frog and Duck — chart the growth of these animals and birds from birth through the first crucial weeks and months of life ( see above ) .
6 EDS/GFI 's 1992 revenues derived 51% from facilities and systems management , up 7% , 32% from engineering and systems integration , up 6% , and 17% from software products , up 14% .
8 On the British side there was a string of adverse comments on French performance and attitudes from newspaper correspondents ; although the Daily Telegraph correspondent was not being particularly sensational when he reported on the unnecessary brutality of the French and concluded ‘ The solution of the problem of rule in Indo-China will depend primarily upon French ability to exercise tact and conciliation ’ .
9 In its basic meaning communication is the passing of information , ideas , and attitudes from person to person or group to group .
10 by telephone and fax advice and consultancy from effluent process experts ;
11 But it does offer security and freedom from disturbance .
12 He pioneered new processes and procedures within the ILO to provide international guarantees for human rights , particularly those relating to freedom of association , and freedom from discrimination and forced labour .
13 These include general aspects such as state of repair , stability of foundations and freedom from dampness , and also quite specific matters of ventilation , natural lighting , waste disposal , sanitation and cooking facilities ( Hadden 1979 ) .
14 Rest involves the cessation of action and freedom from worry .
15 Friedrich Hayek , an Austrian economist living in England , issued a seminal warning : full employment , social security and freedom from want could not be had unless they came as by-products of a system that released the free energies of individuals ; furthermore planning created not certainty , but uncertainty .
16 Epicurus did , indeed , place supreme value on ‘ pleasure ’ ; but he thought of this as the calm tranquillity and freedom from anxiety which would be achieved by realizing that there is no life after death , and that we are not subject to outside divine influences .
17 The declared characteristics of tribunals specified in the Franks Report were ‘ cheapness , accessibility and freedom from technicality , expedition and expert knowledge of the particular subject ’ and stated that the objectives of tribunal procedure are ‘ openness , fairness and impartiality ’ .
18 Accessibility and freedom from technicality may be taken together .
19 Provided the trees would support an orang 's weight , the canopy not only provided food but a convenient means of forest travel and freedom from ground predators .
20 These clinics were to be associated with local hospitals , and confidentiality and freedom from charge were mandatory .
21 We must ensure that the security forces are the real defenders of human rights and freedom from fear and violence , and that they are clearly seen to be so .
22 The first duty of the Government is to work with the people to ensure security and freedom from fear for the people .
23 To meet these standards the worker needs total concentration and freedom from time pressure .
24 Some are seeking independence and freedom from family or institutional repression ; some are escaping from problems or abuse whether at home , within the family , or at school ; some are running back to the family and away from care authorities .
25 But for this to work , if it happens , Gaza needs time , money and freedom from violence .
26 Their physical needs are for food , water , shelter from extreme weather , a safe environment , sensory stimulation , light , exercise , and freedom from injury , pain , or parasites .
27 This in turn presupposes class-related factors like expectations of female academic excellence , and freedom from childcare , domestic work , and ‘ irrelevant cares and concerns ’ ( Puffer quoted in Furumoto and Scarsborough 1986 : 41 ) .
28 The combined qualities of lightness , rich-colouring , solidity , compactness , durability , ease of working and freedom from warping made the heart-wood of the walnut a popular timber for making tables , panelling and cabinets .
29 They are the values of physical autonomy and freedom from molestation , the liberty to decide for oneself the level of pain to subject one 's body to ( e.g. in sport ) .
30 All are important elements of life in old age , and in maintaining both independence and freedom from ill-health , yet older people often avoid taking exercise because of the widespread ageist assumption that it is dangerous for them to be too active .
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