Example sentences of "and [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These kinds of incidents could be repeated time and time again , and nor were black eyes and bruises the only injuries sustained .
2 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
3 In the context of regions and regionalism. the political aspects of the problem lie in the types of representation of group interest , the ideological bases of relevant decisions .
4 Were jeans and T-shirt the right thing to wear , and what about her feet ?
5 In the Collembola and Diplura similar muscles also occur in all other segments except the last , but in the Thysanura and Pterygota the flagellar segments are devoid of muscles .
6 Surrounded by thirty hectares of vineyards , olive groves and woods the small estate consists of the main villa , several outbuildings and barns , a swimming pool , a farm house and an old mill .
7 Crowds possess great wit ; the group throws up nicknames of an aptness and ingenuity the clever individual by himself could never invent .
8 The latter is surprising since , in America , Urosalpinx is the southern species and Nucella the northern one and this observation may have been due as much to lowered salinity as to temperature .
9 To his surprise and discontent the first two thought that he ought to go .
10 Vic wipes the tidemark of foam from his cheeks and fingers the shaven flesh appraisingly .
11 As Christian doctrine developed , and it was said that God in Christ took on humanity , in both Greek and Latin the inclusive term for humanity was used , not that specifically for a male human being .
12 In November 1992 , the Languages Lead Body submitted to SCOTVEC and NCVQ the national standards for general language learning purposes .
13 Describes with mingled humour and pathos the successive tenants , who are in various lines of business , of a shop ‘ on the Surrey side of the water ’ .
14 During February and March the Soviet Jewish immigration issue served to increase further tension between Israel and the USA .
15 During February and March the economic situation in the new Länder ( states ) of former East Germany deteriorated further as unemployment escalated and regional and local governments were threatened with bankruptcy .
16 In February and March the Special District Meetings made significant decisions that changed the structure of the IBOA .
17 If the vessel is to be out of the water for a fixed period e.g. between September the 1st and March the 31st annually , then this will be expressed in the Policy Schedule , and will be detailed on the underwriting risk and claims statistics screens on the Polisy system .
18 Yes , I 'm just looking and March the twenty sixth is free .
19 The opera , like Gershwin 's Porgy and Bess the following year , used an all-Black cast and the staging and choreography gave it a British connection since it was by Frederick Ashton .
20 The Fijian Nationalist United Front ( FNUF ) , described as representing a more conservative version of FPP policies , won five of the 37 Fijian seats , and independents the remaining two .
21 Judged on that basis , the analysis in the policy document suggested Friern as the best prospect and Claybury the second best .
22 The manufacturing process involves the two cost centres X and Y. The following data relates to the resources that were used in the manufacture of the product until 19X1 :
23 The opportunity to create a zero-investment , perfect hedge is shown by the two disequilibrium returns X and Y. The two securities have the same risk ; i.e. the same level of sensitivity to factor f 1 and equilibrium should lie on the APL at point Z. The return on security X is higher than that of Z implying that X is underpriced and Y is overpriced .
24 Fernand Léger and Lipinski the revolutionary were earnestly discussing the political situation at the next table .
25 Looking from points Q and P the linear charge distribution between z=-H and z=H appears more like a point charge concentrated at 0 .
26 Or symbolically , if we let $ be the set of sentences in language L , C the set of possible contexts , P the set of propositions , and U the cartesian product of S x C — i.e. the set of possible combinations of members of S with members of C , and we let the corresponding lower case letters stand for elements or members of each of those sets ( i.e. s e S , c e C , p e P , u e U ) : ( 16 ) f(u) =p ( or:f ( s , c ) = p ) i.e. f is a function that assigns to utterances the propositions that express their full meaning in context Gazdar ( 1979a : 4-5 ) , on the other hand , wishes to capture the ways in which utterances change the context in which they are uttered ; he shows that Katz 's formulation is incompatible with that goal , and therefore suggests instead : ( 17 ) f(u) c ( or:f ( s , c ) c ) i.e. f is a function from utterances to contexts , namely the contexts brought about by each utterance ( or : f assigns to each sentence plus the context prior to its utterance , a second context caused by its utterance ) The idea here is that the shift from the context prior to an utterance to the context post utterance itself constitutes the communicational content of the utterance .
27 Is a banquet going to make everyone feel pleasantly pampered or is it going to cause hangovers and indigestion the next morning when you 've got some crucial business to get through ?
28 and Jim the comedian singing :
29 Kwik Saves were judged the worst supermarkets and Wimpys the worst restaurants .
30 Every year the Indian newspapers chart Siberian crane sightings with the devotion and enthusiasm the British press usually only musters at times of royal births .
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