Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The pattern is not uniform , though , with Dumfries and Galloway reporting a 50 per cent fall .
2 So religions , symbolic systems , and ideologies develop a metaphysical life of their own and acquire qualities which stubbornly resist being reduced to mere reflections of the social order .
3 ‘ Relaxation and meditation play a major role in yoga and in the treatment of stress-related illnesses , the scourge of modern society , ’ says Norma Duffield of the Centre , currently enrolling for its autumn courses at Queen 's University , Belfast and Holywood .
4 March : March 5 : United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major had talks in Moscow with Gorbachev on the Gulf conflict and the situation in the Baltic states ; March 7 : the RFSFR and Czechoslovakia signed a trade co-operation agreement ; March 12 : it was announced in Moscow that the withdrawal of the 50,000 troops stationed in Poland would begin in April , although the process would not be completed before 1994 ; March 14-16 : following a tour of the Middle East , US Secretary of State James Baker visited Moscow for talks on the situation in the Gulf and the presentation of a six-point US plan for peace and stability in the Middle East ; March 18-20 : UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd visited both Kiev and Moscow for discussions on British-Soviet relations ; March 22 : Soviet-Romanian treaty of friendship and co-operation initialled in Moscow ; March 28 : Bessmertnykh held further talks in Tokyo in connection with Gorbachev 's forthcoming visit .
5 Maybe it might be a good idea for her and Ben to have a holiday in England ?
6 Both criminal law and contract exhibit a tendency to convert such presumptions into irrebuttable rules of law .
7 Following on from the debate , the TAC secretary and chairman prepare a final response in the form of a memorandum of comment .
8 The play is peopled with a wealth of characters whose problems , prejudices , attitudes and activities allow a gentle , good humoured look at the Catholic Church 's views on issues such as sex , nationalism , obedience and freedom .
9 For therapeutic and professional staff to reflect the cultural backgrounds of the children , and that for all children , including those with special needs , their day-care environment and activities to express a consciousness of the multicultural society in Islington .
10 The Department of Geology and Geophysics offers a degree in Geophysics and an introductory course which serves as an appropriate outside subject for many honours degrees .
11 ‘ What comes up , ’ said Rory , and Jessica gave a dirty laugh .
12 The plan was for Pete and Michaela to film a normal Hacienda night fly-on-the-wall-style , with local hero Mike Pickering as the DJ .
13 The protests were stepped up on Feb. 18 when over 700 Enver Hoxha University students and lecturers started a hunger strike .
14 One such book illustration was used for Joshua and Caleb carrying a large bunch of grapes between them ; to be found at Milverton in Somerset .
15 And Fin makes a desperate decision .
16 The ‘ space ’ which once existed for police and pickets to negotiate a mutually acceptable code of picket-line conduct has been closed off , as the miners and striking print workers discovered to their cost .
17 Horbury and Ossett preserve a healthy independence which gives each town its own special character Photographs : Simon Warner
18 Psycholinguistic The psycholinguistic or ‘ guessing-game ’ approach reflects the way that competent and learner-readers tackle a text in order to obtain meaning from it .
19 The form of a verb and sentence stating a thing as a fact , not as a conception , wish or command of a speaker : Apples grow on trees .
20 The challenge of his person and teaching involves a turnabout , a change of direction involving heart and action , repentance ( metanoia ) .
21 While it is true that scavenging fish and snails perform a valuable task , a well ordered pool can be equally well maintained without them .
22 I felt a migraine coming on as the old girl began to wail and Zylpha screamed a torrent of abuse .
23 Two days later 10 opposition parties and groups issued a joint statement in which they denounced what they described as the over-representation of the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement ( MPS ) on the commission .
24 Although both Kirk and Hargreaves support a common curriculum they have major reservations about the government 's proposals .
25 Indoor pools exist , and Moscow boasts a year-round , heated open-air affair between the Kremlin and the Defence Ministry .
26 To my mind , these sites lie well beyond the present built-up limits of Skelton , and land to the east , north , and west has a strongly rural character .
27 Horses and ponies need a peaceful environment , free from daily strife and tension .
28 In the end the team of players from Croxdale , Spennymoor , Ferryhill and Middlesbrough managed a total of 449,350 more than 312 points per minute , but short of the 350-plus average they needed to beat the record .
29 Making the capacitance and resistance yields a time constant RC = 1 ms and leads to rejection at a frequency of 160 Hz , for example .
30 Dane and Marianne exchanged a laughing , indulgent glance , seeming for all the world like two fond parents , and Shae looked away , all too aware that she was being excluded from the charmed circle .
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