Example sentences of "and [Wh pn] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Phetam had been stolen from Ardakke by someone who had no shortage of credits to spend and who had access to the secretive practices of diplomats and Emissaries .
2 This is an individual whose energies are directly primarily to the completion of the task , and who harnesses anxiety and concern towards getting the job done on time and to a high standard .
3 They also promise a ‘ return to learn ’ entitlement of up to a year 's full time education for people aged more than 50 and who left school at 15 or earlier .
4 As a general rule those young people who join the YTP will be the 11+ failures whose career at secondary school continued to be unsuccessful and who left school with little or no qualifications .
5 Whilst at the Slade the Moynihans had belonged to a high-spirited group which included Nicolette Macnamara and who describes Hinor in Two Flamboyant Fathers as a ‘ vivid , witty personality ’ , with red cheeks , black hair and ‘ a Mona Lisa smile ’ in which an ‘ uplift of humour ’ replaced mystery .
6 Furthermore , it is the males of Ballymacarrett ( East Belfast ) who use the backed variants most and who show evidence of spreading the backed realizations into voiceless stop environments ( as in that , wrap ) , where short , front variants are expected .
7 Gypsies forcibly resettled in the Czech Lands in the 1960s and who speak Romany or Slovak worry that this law is a device to evict them .
8 Most landowners were Zuwaya or their assignees : people who were not Zuwaya and who owned land were ( Zuwaya said ) either clients or descendants of Zuwaya slaves , or affines incorporated into the Zuwaya genealogy .
9 Here was a back-to-the-wall President who BELIEVED in what he was saying and who shifted opinion overnight with a high-risk tour de force which seems to have swung next week 's referendum .
10 If confirmed by longitudinal analysis this would indicate that the ageing of the population over the next decade need not automatically bring an increase in the number of people with health problems and who require care .
11 Gosse was a Plymouth Brother , and a marine biologist who had made aquaria popular and who ran seaside field-trip/holidays for those interested in natural history .
12 Like other pit trading exchanges , LIFFE hosts a number of floor traders who are individual members of the exchange and who conduct business on their own account rather than on behalf of clients .
13 In 1879 Florence Lees married the Revd Dacre Craven , the rector of St George the Martyr , who supported her work and who became secretary to the Home for District Nurses in Bloomsbury Square .
14 The preacher at its official opening in 1896 was the Revd John Hugh Smyth-Pigott who later proclaimed himself to be Jesus Christ and who became Prince 's successor at the Agapemone .
15 But , father , do n't you think that one who is just as good and pure , and who understands farm life as well as the farmer , would be much better ? ’
16 A seminal and key figure , at least in American education , has been Dewey , who was recommending in 1916 that schools should be organised as miniature democracies , and who saw education as a preparation for citizenship in a democratic society ( Dewey , 1916 ) .
17 Charles Lyell was a student of William Buckland who taught that " Geology is the efficient auxiliary and handmaid of religion " and who saw evidence everywhere of " direct intervention by a divine creator " , of a " creative power transcending the operation of known laws of nature " .
18 Amanda Robson , ( 31 ) , whose parents live at Chawton and who plays hockey for Alton ladies , completed the distance in five hours 14 minutes and , according to her mother ‘ looked remarkably well at the end ’ .
19 The poorest readers are those who read word byword , even letter by letter ; and the best are those who are n't conscious of " reading words " at all , and who use context and meaning before they use word analysis .
20 Rounding on conservative opponents , Gorbachev commented : " When we embarked on perestroika we of course realized that it would inevitably affect the interests of those who held the actual power and who administered society 's wealth in the name of the people .
21 Rather , it is to agree with his conclusion that , while for the articulate elite , like the artisans who constituted the Owenite membership of the National Union of Working Classes and Others and who debated reform at the London Rotunda , the kind of reform they wanted — annual parliaments , universal suffrage and the ballot — was just what Grey expressly denied .
22 And who set fire to the truck ? ’
23 Another exile in Gaul was Ecgberht , son of Ealhmund , who had been driven out by Offa and Beorhtric , king of the West Saxons , and who sought refuge in Gaul ( ASC A , s.a. 836 ) where , according to William of Malmesbury writing in a later age , he learnt the arts of government .
24 At last the Council wrote to Osiris , who replied with the threat of his power of ruler of the dead , who feared neither god nor man , and who demanded justice for his son .
25 Many of these people are migrants from the lowlands , where most of the country 's agriculture is located , who have little money to invest to ensure success in the longer term and who lack security of tenure to make farming the heritage enterprise that it is in many nations .
26 Those who do well are the men and women who can articulate a sense of their own values , and who convey conviction .
27 The policy will outline the Group 's commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment and inform employees of new projects and who has responsibility for them . ’
28 So you might reasonably suppose that ash is overdone in cheaper brands of pond food : and who has money to burn ?
29 ‘ What we want is someone who 's an idiot and who has appeal .
30 These will influence what education and training is available to support transition , how it is managed in an area , and who has access to it .
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