Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The programme trains teachers and produces software for use in schools .
2 Each function requires information to operate , and produces information for others to use .
3 This area is probably more suited to the older children , and offers opportunity for experience of sorting , matching , comparisons and shape .
4 Microsoft Corp announced Release 3.0 of its Visual Basic programming system on Friday : the new release 0 provides access to a wide variety of data sources by integrating the Microsoft Access 1.1 database engine and adds support for Object Linking & Embedding 2.0 ; it also adds new tools , new controls , greater ease of use and an enhanced custom control standard ; it 's $200 .
5 SuperViews enables the data processing department to provide end users with views of the database table that are already joined and adds information for the end user .
6 Built in Luton at IBC and with a range of European Vauxhall and Opel engines that take local content to 80 per cent , they 'll be in about half of Vauxhall 's dealers with prices just up on the Suzuki Vitara for the Sport and just below the Isuzu Trooper and old Shogun for the five-door Across Europe , GM is optimistic it can sell 40,000 and has capacity for another 10,000 should Europe 's fastest-growing market segment require it .
7 It is political , not necessarily because politicians are involved , but because it involves the representation of organisational interests and has scope for bargaining and conflict .
8 SCOTVEC , which was established as a result of the SED 's reform of vocational qualifications in Scotland , is the sole Scottish awarding body and has responsibility for the accreditation of SVQs .
9 He sits as a judge in the House of Lords , where he also acts as Speaker ; he is a cabinet minister and advises on constitutional issues ; and his department , established in 1885 , is our nearest approach to a Ministry of Justice and has responsibility for many aspects of the legal system .
10 ‘ The scope of their work is approved by the audit committee and covers value for money , audit and many other functions .
11 The satellite makes 14 orbits per day , and at present IRAS surveys the sky for nine orbits and uses DAX for five .
12 A further risk that may be relevant where a purchaser acquires assets and assumes responsibility for some but not all of the creditors , is that the sale may be seen as a preferential treatment of creditors under IA 1986 , s239 .
13 Gordon Richards 's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement .
14 I have passed on the suggestion in item 9 , the position of the bus shelter , to the Public Transport Unit 's Bus Stops and Shelters team for their consideration .
15 The official state planning agency GOSPLAN sets all prices , production plans , import quotas and export targets , and allocates capital for new investment .
16 Symbolics plans to unbundle its various products and says support for other Unix platforms will follow .
17 Margaret befriends some of the workers and shows compassion for their sufferings , but when the crunch comes she is on the side of the master .
19 to lovers of the sea it is a great treat , and affords scope for varied tastes .
20 Today , the race attracts huge crowds … and raises money for local charities .
21 The MIS-4ES comes with eight R3002As , 512Mb RAM , 128Gb disk , and includes support for up to 18 I/O channels — it 's priced at £141,000 .
22 A new version 2.0 of DECdesign , the graphic and analysis design tool will now run on its Ultrix systems and includes support for the Ptech object-oriented methodology and C++ code generator from Associative Design Technology Inc .
23 The management contract runs for three years and includes provision for the recycling of clothes , paper , glass , metals , oils and the removal of CFCs from refrigerators .
24 Waits and gathers strength for my return .
25 This observation further supports the use of magnesium to treat torsades de pointes accompanying acquired LQTS and furnishes evidence for the hypothesis that EADs cause the ventricular tachyarrhythmias .
26 Whatever the reason , such additional matters are fully covered on other programmes and attention to them , or even comment on what has happened in the House , distracts from , and reduces time for , the proper reporting of Parliament .
27 We have no official tea break but sometimes one of us goes out and gets tea for the others .
28 Everton can also point to a strong international element in Leena Chagla , an Indian doctor who works at the Royal and keeps goal for them , as well as two German girls , Sylke Klaus and Gabi Von Voight .
29 Sleeping with the succuba who may be disembowelled but also disembowelling , Eliot 's speaker is in a position analogous to that of the eunuch priest ; poetry like sex here points to horrible death and finds expression for that concept in the language of the rituals of primitive religion and mythology .
30 They were the organization , or company man ; the conformist who goes along with his superiors and finds balm for his conscience in additional comforts and security of his place in the corporate set-up . ’
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