Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
2 As warmth will cause potatoes to sprout and light will turn them green , they should be kept in a cool , frost free , dry , dark place , well away from strong smelling foods or substances which might taint and affect their flavour .
3 Since the carriers risked their ships , it was assumed that they would select and supervise their crews with enough care to prevent the damages that could result from improper management and navigation of the ship .
4 I would then be able to emerge and convey my message to him .
5 The Council was aware of the ‘ high degree of priority and urgency ’ to be attached to this work , but in making the commitment it pointed out also that leaving freedom to colleges to devise and conduct their courses meant that ‘ the consequent interaction between College and Council can stretch over a fair amount of time ’ .
6 The leader of a research establishment might adopt a laissez- faire style , giving individual research workers freedom of choice to organise and conduct their research as they themselves want ( within certain limits , such as budget spending limits ) .
7 According to Articles 52–54 of the Treaty of Rome , all nationals may live and work and conduct their business freely in any of the member states .
8 You 're setting up a place for people to live and conduct their business , and the people most able to do that are the gipsies themselves .
9 The Queen of the Night , in her representation with the creatures of the night , is not at their mercy , nor does she completely civilize and tame their natures .
10 In 1913 , in his first attempt to define the movement , he wrote : ‘ Sincere artists today feel the need to canalize and tame their inspiration in order to extract from their faculties the maximum returns , and to strike a balance between sensitivity and reason …
11 Most pilots do not instinctively look across and compare their height with the trees unless they have been taught to do so , and more often than not a pilot will try to judge by angles and positioning alone .
12 Or do they merely invite us to count and compare our scars ?
13 Remember , your fishmonger will always clean and prepare your fish selection .
14 Quite apart from the threat of legal proceedings from sect appointed lawyers , he also had Deputy Commissioner Elrick eagerly awaiting the slightest slip on his part , to pounce and nail his ass to the wall with a disciplinary hearing .
15 That must also be why other major European airlines rely on Iberia to maintain and service their planes .
16 To better understand and service your needs , we make a special effort to answer all of our customers ' questions and to help them with any technical problems that may be related to MiLAN products .
17 Savory Milln should have been aware that Mr Ferriday would try and cover his liabilities from whatever funds he had access to , yet it had made no inquiries as to the source of the £13.5m or how Mr Ferriday had managed to meet his own underwriting obligations .
18 They left Smithfield , taking a different route back into the city , past the ditch which smelt so rank and fetid that even Cranston , filled to his gills with wine , stopped to gag and cover his nose .
19 I find it very difficult when you have a journalist round , and you will perhaps cooperate as much as you can with an interview , and then sometimes they 'll go and dip their pen in acid and write really horrid things .
20 He would just smile and dip his head a little , and she would have to wait until the very end to be reunited with him .
21 Howard realised the importance of avoiding walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools or on other people 's carpets , so he decided to walk barefoot on grass and on the beach whenever possible , or simply to sit outside and expose his feet to the elements .
22 Secondly , he suggests , an a priori argument may also be advanced : ‘ What makes a society of any sort is a community of ideas , not only political ideas , but ideas about the way its members should behave and govern their lives ; these latter ideas are its morals . ’
23 ‘ My life is hard indeed ’ — the life of the leader of a feudal host , whose business it was to defend and protect his followers ; the ruler of fair France , la douce France , whose business it was to protect and govern his country ; the emperor of Christendom , whose business it was to maintain the fortress of Christian Europe and to expand its borders .
24 Ivy had her hands full with the driving , and although Zen soon gave up trying to follow their route on the maps he had brought with him , which proved to bear only a partial and rather disturbing resemblance to the landscape , like a mild hallucination , he kept up a show of poring over them to try and assuage his guilt at being a mere passenger , unable to share her burden .
25 Conversely , if people take account of the costs to themselves but not the burden on the National Health Service in deciding whether or not to smoke and damage their health , society may regard smoking as a merit bad that should be discouraged .
26 As little as 0.01 mg/l. ( ppm ) can harm and damage your fish , especially if the oxygen content is low , the temperature and pH are high , and the contact time is lengthy .
27 She might even , he suggested , as they went to the stairs , benefit from a quiet winter with her sister to help and think what joy lay ahead with Oreste brought to her at last .
28 The first ( and most diagnostic ) is the presence of bedding — not a duvet and pillows , but rather grass , dead leaves or other vegetation that the occupants have collected to cushion and insulate their chambers .
29 There are grants for insulation and you may live in an area where local Community Insulation Projects could draughtproof and insulate your home for you .
30 US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher dismissed the proceedings as a " travesty of justice , nothing more than another attempt by Libya to delay and evade its responsibility " .
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