Example sentences of "and [to-vb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
2 And of course heating your house in the middle of the night is not what everybody wants , so there has to be an attractive price to persuade people to do that and to invest in the storage heaters , hence the half price electricity .
3 So though modem research has tended to discredit the idea of a medieval aristocracy ‘ of service ’ , to insist on blue blood for the great lines of the tenth and eleventh centuries , and to see in the later eleventh and the twelfth centuries an ever-sharper patrilineal descent obliterating other considerations in family history , it should not be forgotten that at least one great princely house was encouraged to view its progress in quite other terms .
4 Normally , you will have an opportunity to look over the machine and to sit in the cockpit beforehand to think about all the knobs and levers .
5 He was unable to sleep during the day , and used the dead time to keep up with the newspapers and journals in the reading-room and to swim in the club pool while it was comparatively empty .
6 The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of gall bladder stones and to compare in a cost effectiveness analysis these results with the conventional and new surgical techniques .
7 Nuclear Electric , a third generating company , was to be established to take control of the nuclear power stations and to remain in the public sector .
8 Whilst there , he stated publicly that Cuba wanted to maintain good relations and to remain in the OAS .
9 We deserved our lead and to lose in the last minute was terrible . ’
10 Production workers are likely to be more concerned with the task and to work in a high structure organization .
11 The task of political sociology is to define these issues and problems in a rigorous way , to describe and analyse the wider structural and historical context , to enquire into the causes of political events , and to indicate in an imaginative rather than restrictive fashion the possible alternative courses of action .
12 And to slip in the mud must have been the last straw .
13 In England , the obligation to own arms and to train in the use of them was shared by all male adults , as the Assize of Arms of 1181 and the Statute of Winchester of 1285 made clear .
14 It was remembered long after Anselm 's death that he had professed himself afraid to die , and to appear in the sight of God , until he had punished the archbishop of York for infringement of the jurisdiction of Canterbury .
15 Most writers of whatever kind know what it is to write and to discover in the process that someone else seems to be standing by .
16 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
17 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
18 Students have the opportunity to select areas of study which are of personal and professional interest ; to study in-depth issues relevant to the theory and practice of nursing and education and to participate in a stimulating exchange of ideas across cultural and disciplinary boundaries .
19 At the same time , the learner must be encouraged to take every opportunity both to learn and to participate in the teaching of others .
20 In order to secure the option of a judicial challenge to the Commission 's determinations in such cases , a company would be well advised to complain formally to the Commission at the earliest opportunity , and to participate in the Commission 's investigation , making submissions and offering evidence of the adverse effects on its business of the conduct of which complaint has been made .
21 Attica after Kleisthenes , which allowed a man to be loyal to and to participate in the affairs of his deme , and also to join in making the city 's decisions , was another such attempt to reconcile city and countryside .
22 The 1975 United Nations Declaration of Rights of Disabled Persons asserted the right of disabled people to be self-reliant , to live as they choose and to participate in the social , creative and recreational activities of their communities .
23 With significant interests in both Sanga-Sanga and Runtu , LASMO is geographically well placed to benefit from the continued exploration of these two areas and to participate in the development of the LNG business in one of the most robust gas markets in the world .
24 The boards have extensive rights to be informed and consulted about their schools ' educational , disciplinary and financial policies and achievements , and to participate in the appointment of senior staff .
25 She said , today : ‘ I am delighted to have an opportunity to meet my European peers and to participate in the debates and the entire programme . ’
26 To that end we encourage them to enjoy their education and to participate in the multitude of academic , sporting , social and extra — curricular activities available throughout the year .
27 This is a striking indication of the role of money in European society as a whole ; it reveals that even the peasantry must have reckoned , under good conditions , to produce , and to sell in the local market , a substantial surplus .
28 In this approach to the location of education management we may begin to find a new relationship between professionality and management , and to explore in a different way the questions of who does what , where and when in the whole management process .
29 The teaching methods in the full-time courses were centred upon projects which sought to provide a simulated work situation , to integrate what might otherwise appear to be disparate subject areas and to engender in the student independence and originality of thought .
30 A tendency to absorb smaller houses and to engage in a conscious policy of territorial expansion appears to have marked their behaviour in the second half of the thirteenth century .
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