Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 monitor compliance with existing regulations to ensure consistency of application across the Group and to confirm that compliance is taking place .
2 However , strong competition from quality-minded foreign competitors forces manufacturers to work towards absolute quality and to realize that quality and cost are complementary — raising quality decreases cost .
3 It is possible to provide motivation and to see that students are actively involved , say in a practical exercise during which they receive feedback as to their progress .
4 I am particularly encouraged by the references to better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists , and to see that routes for them have been incorporated into all the major development sites where appropriate — and indeed given some prominence in the site maps .
5 It would also be of interest to extend the scope of the study to examine both additional forms of inward investment and to see whether measures of financial liberalization are an important factor in the explanation of portfolio investment flows elsewhere .
6 Such products are known by the general term ultramarinos , ‘ from across the ocean ’ , and to emphasise that Mariana herself is also an ultramarina , she is often accompanied in Gironella 's tableaux by tins of sardines .
7 It will have been gathered from what has gone before that the non-gonococcal infections are considerably less easy both to diagnose and to treat than gonorrhoea itself .
8 Typical operations are to load an index register from a store location , to deposit the contents of an index register in a store location , and to increment or decrement an index register ( or to add the contents of a store location to an index register ) .
9 The nurse needs both to understand the difficulties which managers experience in staffing the service and to know that managers understand the nurse 's difficulty of combining a working life with parenthood .
10 And so it emerges that on the conditional theory of knowledge it is possible to know that p and to know that p implies q without knowing that q .
11 ‘ It 's a relief to wake up in the middle of the night and to know that Dad is not suffering any longer . ’
12 The nuns led them through a series of exercises which encouraged them to think about the good in themselves , and to know that God , in His love for them , has forgiven their sins .
13 They want us to be ourselves and they themselves and to meet as friends … only after some quiet times with a dolphin do we enjoy letting it be in charge of the encounter , and see what it may decide to do next with us . '
14 Among its aims are increasingly to devolve responsibility to area offices , to set performance targets and to secure that policies on the grant and continuation of legal aid are applied consistently .
15 Only when he settled as a newly-married man , first at Clevedon , and later at Nether Stowey , was he able to test the healing powers of mere natural beauty , and to find that beauty was not enough .
16 Indonesia 's traditional performing arts , such as music and shadow-puppet shows , play a major part in the life of the ‘ media village ’ , attracting people of all ages and social and religious backgrounds to perform together and to talk and share ideas and concerns .
17 The need to educate people , both to use deep-fat fryers properly and to clean and filter oil regularly , is a factor also referred to by sales and marketing director for Garland Catering Equipment , Keith Davies .
18 The good reader is soon able to explore pictures , and to explore and search more detailed and more complicated pictures .
19 There must also have been readers who were led to reflect on Othello 's self-righteous murder of Desdemona , and to reflect that Shakespeare 's play expresses a view of mixed marriages which is both encouraging and discouraging .
20 The Commission is multi-disciplinary and it exists to provide independent medical opinions to consent to treatment ; to keep the powers of detention under review ; to prepare a Code of Practice ; and to visit and interview detained patients and investigate individual complaints .
21 They decided that it was very strange and exciting , and a very good reason to gallop around , and to snort and buck , and to carry on like madmen .
22 This projection of a caring service in which adults helped children to master the skills necessary to live in a society growing ever more complex , encouraged teacher-trainers in the immediate post-war years to be somewhat self-indulgent and to suggest that teachers were members of a profession .
23 But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace .
24 He goes on to explore the dynamic nature of excellence and to suggest that quality is really about training and unlocking the potential of the workforce .
25 Delegates , this resolution is about uniting all of the unions in the public sector , after all we did it in nineteen seventy nine and as we all know that was against our Labour government , with one aim , to reject this government 's pay policy and to combine and fight for a pay increase which we 'll endeavour to counter the savage attacks which are being made against public service workers .
26 His voice was courteous to the point of diffidence , and Nenna , giving way a little , let herself imagine what it would be like to be on Richard 's staff , and to be directed in everything else by Louise , and to ebb and flow without volition , in the warmth of love and politeness .
27 We tend to assume , I think , in normal usage , that I have to suspect what you are thinking , and to imagine or conjecture what you mean by an expression , but that you have some direct and privileged access to your intentions which enables you to know what you mean .
28 The regime declares itself to be the only true guardian of socialism , but can offer no answer to what is happening elsewhere except to denounce foreign interference and to assert that communism must inevitably triumph .
29 But because , in terms of our Christian moral code , this is a shameful matter we are inclined to push it to one side and to assume that kinship is the equivalent of " blood relationship " which implies , or should imply , biological connection .
30 Scholes , however , believes that Saussure is himself inconsistent , and responsible for later confusion , but the thrust of his argument is very close to Tallis 's , and both of them are concerned — as were Thurley and Nuttall — to reinstate the validity of reference and to deny that language is a system of ‘ pure differences ’ , without relation to reality .
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