Example sentences of "and [vb base] like a " in BNC.

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1 But what I 'm wearing now I 'll be wearing in a year or eighteen months , it does n't chop and change like a fashion ; the meaning it has now is the same one it will have in eighteen months ' time .
2 It seemed as if the phone itself was in paroxysm , all squawk and splat like a cabby 's radio .
3 And skulk like a fox ?
4 I had to dive in the corner and make like a garden gnome … ’
5 NeTpower machines are meant to look , feel and smell like a PC .
6 " But then , what else could I be when I look like a scarecrow and smell like a fox ? "
7 Do n't put it in a plastic bag in the fridge and save it for visitors ; before you know where you are it 'll have swollen to three times its size and smell like a chemical factory .
8 Offpiste spring snow is easy to ski and smooth so concentrate on regular breathing ( in as you start the turn , out as you complete it ) , think ‘ light ’ and fly like a bird .
9 Tonight I shall have a few pints , take Jenny out to dinner , probably attack a nice bottle of claret , and sleep like a stone .
10 Enough to have Jay fly home on the wings of Peter Pan and sleep like an angel .
11 Instinct was telling her to collapse against the nearest tree and cry like a baby , but instinct could go and chase itself .
12 Inspired , Yeremi sprayed a stream of incandescent rainbow plasma gobbets at a defence laser which was tracking in that forbidden direction , and rejoiced to see its shield fail and the shark-snouted gun warp and drip like a lugubrious runny nose .
13 I sit and fidget like a child .
14 In a poignant soliloquy , watching smoke curl into the sky like an ethereal question mark , he exclaims , ‘ Ah , human beings — they tremble and worry like a leaf in the storm because they know and because they do n't know . ’
15 Taste it , savour it — do n't simply chew and swallow , chew and swallow like a robot , hardly even knowing what you are eating .
16 How dared he come to his , Philip 's place , and act like a bird shooter .
17 ‘ And that was a challenge , ’ he recalled , ‘ to spend 45 minutes with a guy and act like a spy . ’
18 He is not to retaliate and must always be happy ; thankful for all the help he has received and act like a fucking Samaritan to those worse off then himself .
19 And yet it could still surprise him that a man could be a sensible and reliable scientist in his work and a fool with women , could show judgement in one area of his life and act like an irrational child in another .
20 I know I 'm no end of a brute , and roar like a bear when I lose my temper , but there 's no need to be quite so distressed by my presence .
21 For a brief moment , the terrible Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher made the lake boil and smoke like a volcano , then the fire went out and the awesome beast disappeared under the waves .
22 Or hide behind the curtains and bark like a Rottweiler .
23 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
24 Certainly , he seem airily exotic with his cropped hair and face like an oriental cherub .
25 Norm had to call her , then shake her , and she would stagger downstairs and hang like an exhausted alcoholic over a clutched mug of coffee .
26 They 're compelled to infest other races and multiply like a cancer within . ’
27 ‘ Moss stitch is best for ties otherwise they tend to curl up at the edges and look like a drain pipe . ’
28 Then he 'd bounce a little with his other leg out straight behind him to stretch his hamstrings and look like a proper athlete .
29 We also went to see the Museo do Pobo Galego , which has fascinating exhibits on rural life , including horréos or granaries , which are found in almost every country garden and look like a stone garden shed on stilts .
30 Gamma and 6 Equulei are close together , and look like a wide double , though they are not actually associated with each other .
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