Example sentences of "and [vb base] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The practice of meditation and contemplation is life-long , reflecting this daily process of repentance and change at heart .
2 People stroll in their shirtsleeves , and sit at sidewalk cafés .
3 He lost both office and influence at court as a result of factional enmity , but Louis the Pious 's disfavour ensured that the losses were permanent .
4 ( At the talks the MNR had said that cities should be excluded from the corridors and remain at war . )
5 Day 1 Rent — At this stage there is a future benefit so set up an asset and review at end of month .
6 How anyone can tax ill people and sleep at night is beyond me .
7 My Angels live and breed at pH 7.8 , and a hardness of 17DH .
8 Securities that are sold at a discount , pay no interest explicitly , and mature at par are known as pure discount securities .
9 Specialist nurses have particular expertise in one field of nursing , usually in an area where the patient and family need teaching and support at home as well as in hospital .
10 Several risk factors were identified , including health related behaviours ( smoking and frequent alcohol consumption ) , work characteristics ( low levels of control , variety and use of skills , work pace , and support at work ) , low levels of job satisfaction , and adverse social circumstances outside work ( financial difficulties and negative support ) .
11 The proper state of mind of the dying was to accept the will of God and die at peace with all men .
12 Move the magnified area up by holding down the mouse button on the up arrow and stop at row 39 .
13 Next make for Rindermarkt , and stop at No 9 .
14 Place on lightly buttered baking sheets and bake at Gas 5/375F/190C for 8–10 minutes until pale brown ; leave to cool on the tray .
15 Place on lightly buttered baking sheets and bake at Gas 5/375F/190C for 8–10 minutes until pale brown ; leave to cool on the tray .
16 Each pupil had to detail a movement in front of the squad pretending to be a drill sergeant and my detail was to get my squad from the stand easy position , slope arms and march them some 50 yards , then bring them back to the original position order arms and stand at ease .
17 It 's very tempting to leave your jacket and tie at home when the temperature starts to soar .
18 The meeting will start at lunchtime on Wednesday 16 September and finish at teatime on Friday 18 September .
19 Look out for signs to Federation Cup Park and Ride at city approaches .
20 The memory was there , and recall at leisure might have been possible if your study techniques were good .
21 They breed and multiply at speed and to cope with their ability to sustain their population a number of rabbit-killing methods have evolved by which the stock can be drastically reduced .
22 ‘ It will focus on areas which are currently under-used and look at development opportunities and guidelines , ’ conservation officer Tom Walker said .
23 The latter place rather more emphasis on the social values and cultural meanings associated with family life , and look at change over time in the sentiments , attachments and emotions associated with different family relationships — usually between spouses and between parents and immature children , although in principle the same kind of analysis can be applied to the wider kin group .
24 Th they si they sit and look at change for ten
25 The Commissioner has wide powers to receive information and look at document .
26 I can remember we went to erm , oh cos we moved out of Harlow did n't we when Nick was eleven months old so that 's about fifteen years ago and lived in Hatfield for three years , so , and we used to go to Welwyn Department Store then and , and look at stuff .
27 Pupils work on the examples of printed material , posters , newspapers , books , and so on they collected from their visit to the archives , and look at design and style .
28 Now , if with , with that in mind , you then turn and look at Totem and Taboo , which was published in nineteen thirteen , first as a series of essays , then as a single book .
29 Forget fantasy and look at fact .
30 Turn back two pages , and look at paragraph four of the report which we can see is headed Description of Conservation Area .
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