Example sentences of "and [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The room , reached this time from the veranda , was just as lovely as she had remembered , and after folding some clothes neatly in drawers and hanging the rest on satin-padded hangers in the wardrobe she fussed for quite some time with the scanty collection of knick-knacks she had brought , trying to arrange them so that they harmonised with the tranquil simplicity of the décor .
2 To accompany the cross assembler a linker will perform the usual task of allocating addresses to the assembled code modules and attaching the run-time libraries to generate an executable program .
3 They walked hand in hand through the warm summer dusk , their arms entwined , her head upon his shoulder , listening to the drowsy lullaby of ships ' hooters from the river , and smelling the scent of soft tar upon the roadway .
4 Some of these mudflows rushed through Herculaneum and engulfed it completely ; crushing some buildings and smothering the rest twenty metres deep in a slowly consolidating welter of mud , pumice , boulders and debris .
5 Then , still smiling and holding her confused startled gaze , he brushed her cheek softly with the head of the flower , almost as though he was bestowing a caress , before leaning forward and tucking the stem behind her ear .
6 He wrote to the county council recommending the couple and praising the care of residents in their privately run home .
7 They created this distressed finish by marking and denting the guitar all over with a tool which gave the instrument a used/vintage appearance .
8 The new country rejected the new name Azania on the grounds that it had slave origins — and preferring the sense that it was a vital part of the continent as a whole .
9 Archaeologists , anthropologists and psychologists are all guilty of shovelling up a multitude of references to the feminine and labelling the heap as the ‘ Great Mother ’ .
10 At the same time the government announced a package of new measures under which ( i ) the minimum wage was increased by 18 per cent from Nov. 18 ; ( ii ) a 40 per cent cut in income tax for those earning up to four times the minimum wage was to take effect in 1991 ; ( iii ) petrol prices were increased by 20 per cent and diesel oil , liquid gas and electricity prices by 30 per cent ; ( iv ) the peso 's rate of progressive devaluation against the US dollar was halved from 80 centavos to an " average " of 40 centavos a day , a depreciation rate of 5 per cent per year , as part of a anti-inflationary move aimed at fixing a future parity for the two currencies and stemming the flight of capital abroad .
11 We woke abnormally late at 8.00 am and sat in the garden of the house for an hour drinking coffee and eating the bread one of the Corporals had bought in the village that morning .
12 Drinking the sea and eating the rock
13 Significantly , they are convinced that such extreme instances of violent behaviour can have only one purpose : killing and eating the enemy .
14 If the landlord prefers to covenant to maintain the outer half of all internal non load-bearing walls dividing the premises from other parts of the building and recovering the cost via the service charge , the tenant should ensure that any sums collected by the landlord from other tenants under the terms of their leases to maintain their half of the divisional wall should be deducted from the service charge .
15 By far the most sensible way to recycle the bulk of municipal waste is by incinerating it and recovering the energy .
16 Accordingly , the company is being transformed , through the implementation of a major worldwide programme adopting an open management style and encouraging the involvement of all employees .
17 The objectives of CORINE were to be achieved through bringing together existing data holdings in the member states , developing methods for holding , analysing and presenting the data , and encouraging the exchange of data .
18 Unleaded petrol and encouraging the public not to buy CFC aerosols only touched the tip of the environmental iceberg .
19 The physiotherapist is motivator and facilitator , inspiring and encouraging the patient to do what he can at every stage .
20 The Association of Shareware Professionals is an international body providing floppy disks of programs in the public domain at about £5 a disk and encouraging the buyer to copy them .
21 At the same time , unions bear responsibility for labour discipline , particularly in preventing labour turnover and encouraging the attainment of production targets and work norms .
22 An area of cleared moor was cordoned off with a wind-powered electric fence to allow heather regrowth , a method which could be repeated elsewhere ; next year 's plans for the estate , five miles north of Pateley Bridge , include protecting and encouraging the spread of bilberry , the indigenous upland plant which disappeared from large tracts of moor when bracken moved in .
23 A technique known as " funnelling " in which more general questions are followed by more specific ones amplifying the general ones can be useful in guiding the interviewer through the schedule and encouraging the respondent to give fuller answers .
24 In executing what would be a normal stall recovery , any movement forwards will , or course , increase the pitching , thereby making the sensation more vivid and encouraging the pilot to think that the aircraft is not recovering .
25 encouraging alternative forms of management and production , and encouraging the development of ‘ socially useful ’ products ;
26 If the clinical teacher sees her role as a trainer developing competence then objectives can be applied ; but if she sees herself as providing something more than this , perhaps aiding and encouraging the development of the nurse as an autonomous person within the context of nursing , then she will go beyond the stage where objectives can be applied .
27 Tunnard ( 1989 ) makes some excellent suggestions about ways this can be achieved , including : improving ways of providing emergency protection for children at times of crisis by drawing upon the support of the extended family and local community ; involving parents in decision making , providing parents ' representatives and encouraging the development of local support groups ; improving what happens after separation by offering children and families choices about what can be done , and ensuring contact is promoted and maintained ; dealing with sexual abuse cases in ways that help non-abusing parents to avoid taking a defensive position and that give them the resources and support they need to be able to protect their children .
28 The seminar was organised by UNESCO with the aim of highlighting the situation of the press in Africa , lifting censorship , and encouraging the development of non-governmental newspapers and magazines that reflect the different points of view within the communities that they serve .
29 The next step is to safeguard these changes by formalizing patients ' rights and encouraging the development of self-advocacy movements .
30 The proposals , put forward by the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment , include increasing the duty on petrol , increasing vehicle excise duty in line with engine size , reducing value-added tax on fuel-saving equipment , setting minimum standards for energy efficiency of household appliances , obliging car manufacturers to improve the efficiency of engines , and encouraging the development of combined heat and power generating stations .
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