Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 For two neighbouring points on the ( p , T ) diagram this means Expanding by Taylor 's theorem about and using the first equality gives where are changes in v and S respectively at the transition .
2 There can be little doubt that these are Naxian works , deeply influenced by the East Greek style and transmitting the first impression of that style to Athens where soon , as everywhere , its influence was to become pervasive .
3 The poets and critics had played a considerable part in stimulating and organizing the first manifestations of the Cubists , but the connections between Orphism and contemporary literature were stronger and more direct .
4 De Freitas and Small were extremely economical and there were only nine balls left when the total was passed , but with Richards on song — and becoming the first man to score 5,000 runs in one-day internationals — only four wickets went down .
5 After travelling extensively at home ( and becoming the first Romanov to see Siberia ) , in 1838 and 1839 he toured Europe .
6 Not that Andrew Orkney will dwell too much this week on leading them into the Canal Turn and over the final six flights and up the long finish and on to the post and becoming the first optician to win and riding into history .
7 There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines ( usually preferred to books ) and he 'd heard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant , however unmusical the combination .
8 To : The Box Office , The Playhouse , The High , Harlow CM20 1LS , and enclosing a first class SAE .
9 If this solution were not efficient we would have , for some ( x 1 , x 2 , … , x n ) , and multiplying the first of these by W K and the remainder by w k and summing gives which would contradict the assumed optimality of ( x 1 * , … , x n ) .
10 The priest had to act as both choirmaster and precentor , setting the pitch and intoning the first line of each hymn , as well as training his people to sing the Merbecke setting which Father Jackson had adapted for Burmese use .
11 Bacon is an ‘ empiricist ’ , not because of some theory which shows that sensory experiential knowledge is superior , or prior , to knowledge acquired by reason , but because of methodological concern for advancing and improving the first kind of knowledge .
12 He was a pioneer photographer , inventing and selling the first popular exposure meter , and his natural empathy with the countryside is reflected in his photographs .
13 I confirm that you will be writing extending an invitation to join the group and calling the first meeting for 2p.m. on Tuesday 27th April at the university .
14 Listening and speaking ; Lado ( 1964 ) explains that this approach to language teaching considers listening and speaking the first task in language learning , followed by the mastering of the reading and writing skills .
15 Experience is the name of the game , and surviving the first fight is the hard part .
16 I pulled the short straw and could not drink as I had the job of getting everyone up in the morning and doing the first two hours driving .
17 A drawing attributed to the Persian artist Dust Muhammad , dating from the mid-sixteenth century and depicting the first scene from the tale of ‘ Haftvad and the Worm ’ , bears the estimate of £25–35,000 ( $45–60,000 ) .
18 If you are honest , approaching with an open mind and saying the first thing that comes into your head , you will gradually find you are able to contribute real information and will gain confidence in your abilities .
19 She was a nurse at a hospital on the other side of the village , and Killion had met her the previous evening by simply walking into the hospital and asking the first girl he saw if she would come out with him .
20 Paul Crossley has had a unique association with Tippett 's music , commissioning the Third Sonata and giving the first performances of No. 3 and 4 .
21 One is , if we make a certain common assumption , and taking the first example , that if the switch had not been flipped , then the windscreen wipers would not have started to work .
22 It 's mainly a question of confidence and taking the first few steps .
23 As the dawn came she was weak with exhaustion and relief , watching and willing the first barely perceptible lightening of the sky .
24 The incubation period between picking up the infection and showing the first clinical signs is four to five days and during this time the animal appears clinically normal .
25 Originally named the Laboratory Equipment Corporation LECO is based in St Joseph , Michigan , USA and started life by developing and introducing the first volumetric carbon determinator for the iron and steel industry .
26 Stirling himself spent a lot of time in Cairo wheedling supplies and planning the first operation .
27 The ‘ council movement ’ was especially vigorous , and was widely debated among socialists in the years immediately preceding and following the First World War ( Renner , 1921 ; Pribicevic , 1959 ) ; and more recently it again aroused growing interest as a result of the experience of workers ' self-management in Yugoslavia , some tentative steps in that direction in other East European countries during the 1970s , and the formulation of ideas about ‘ participatory democracy ’ that arose from the new social movements of the late 1960s .
28 Taking our places under the lights and feeling the first twinges of nervousness , we watched the cameras moving into position .
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