Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do not forget Mr Hurd 's record for soothing nerves and conciliating Tory antagonists .
2 The US decision to withdraw troops stationed abroad marked a significant shift in national defence policy , whereby the strong local presence of US troops in many regions was to be replaced by a " rapid reaction " concept involving the increased use of airborne forces and attaching particular importance to mobile operations including the role of aircraft carriers .
3 My own mother 's bedroom was a bright white gallery fronted by an old Mexican balcony overflowing with fuchsia and courting pink wildflowers .
4 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
5 We grouped false positives into two classes : words identified because of errors in scoring and labelling acoustic-phonetic segments ( e.g. girl , curl ) , and homophonic phrases caused by word boundary ambiguity ( e.g. party , par tea ) .
6 In these cases the reward system encourages counterproductive behaviour in the form of restricted output , resistance to new technology , and time-consuming industrial action .
7 This is suggested by the quotations earlier in the section , which indicate that Lakatos hoped to give rules for eliminating research programmes and stemming intellectual pollution .
8 OLIVER rolled his eyes back , lit a cigarette and said that the very phrase common sense was a contradiction in terms , and if Man — at which point he pretended to be extremely embarrassed and correct himself to Man-or-Woman — if Man-or-Woman had relied upon common sense over the previous millennia we 'd all still be living in mud huts and eating frightful food and listening to Del Shannon records .
9 While education and other social crises deepened , state officials were seen being driven around in expensive foreign cars and eating lavish banquets .
10 Cough worse ( < ) cold air , evening and morning , better ( > ) drinking and eating warm things .
11 All have survived and three are at home and eating solid food .
12 Even a week of sitting there , supping in the beer by a kind of osmosis through the atmosphere , and eating solid sandwiches , seemed to have deposited a tiny roll of fat round his waist .
13 When she got back to the kitchen , Finn was reading an old newspaper , seated on the table and eating dry chunks of bread gouged from a loaf in the crumb of which his fingers had left grey prints .
14 From the early Sixties break-out , psychedelia was upon them with Sergeant Pepper , painted VWs and Dr Leary , extolling the virtues of LSD and eating strange mushrooms .
15 ‘ Playing and working outside , and eating good Yorkshire food , has made him strong .
16 ‘ You should be here , sleeping in your own bed and eating good food . ’
17 Margaret denied herself , dressing in modest clothes and eating plain food , in order to be able to give more help to others .
18 Pop and I remember going up to the captain 's cabin after you had gone to bed and eating lovely bala chaung sandwiches .
19 Luckily she had walked , or tottered , in the right direction , and after days which she could no longer recall , sleeping in barns and eating raw eggs when she could find them , she woke up in a Red Cross Hospital .
20 In Sweden and Denmark , children enjoy making and eating open sandwiches .
21 Humans can be affected by pesticides through breathing in spray , brushing against treated plants and eating contaminated food .
22 Many people know they should be cutting down on fat and eating more fibre .
23 ‘ I 'm still thankful to be alive and eating three meals a day .
24 Not only good for the deportment , this exercise frees the hands for programmes , literature and eating cooling icecream .
25 Yep first of December Sunday start opening those things and eating those sweets .
26 And he sent a photograph of you know , people in the boat and eating these things , you know ?
27 It also neutralizes the ill effects of sitting at a desk all day and eating large lunches .
28 Apart from taking the Japanese surrender and recovering Allied prisoners of war , General Gracey 's third task was to maintain law and order ; and in this he was to recognize the sole authority of the French .
29 Our priority has been the improvement of BP 's performance by setting clearer business targets , aligning more closely the reward and recognition of individuals ’ and teams ’ contributions with performance , and encouraging greater teamwork .
30 The Ministry for Women will have special responsibility for coordinating childcare policy , improving women 's safety and encouraging more women to participate in public life .
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