Example sentences of "and [vb base] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The HLCA system should be reviewed with MAFF and WOAD re-assessing stocking levels in Section 43 areas in consultation with NPAS ( and Local Authorities outside ) to ‘ achieve environmental and agricultural objectives ’ .
2 Look out for products such as Visio , a drop and drag drawing package which utilises job-specific stencils ; WinDesk , a customisable desktop for Windows ; ProtoView , a screen management facility for Windows ; Star Trek the Screensaver , a screensaver program for Star Trek fanatics ; Office Accelerator , a program to run your office from within your favourite word-processor ; Color Tools , a multimedia graphics solution ; Labtech Vision , a program that produces dynamic graphics that automatically update in real time , and CameraMan , which records and plays back Windows routines .
3 ‘ Quickest and cheapest ’ sounds an attractive proposition , but ‘ proceed with caution ’ might prove a sensible warning , together with a reminder that in many areas , LEA experience and expertise — on legal issues , employment law , salaries and conditions of service regulations and bulk purchasing facilities , for example — are first class .
4 Maybe they should take a leaf out of horse racing 's book and introduce starting stalls. : - .
5 Suppliers should use this breathing space to obtain EC customers ' VAT numbers , and amend accounting systems to record the information on VAT invoices .
6 Since the 1950s the growth in power of computers has helped scientists like Pople give accurate pictures and make telling predictions about how simple molecules and their atoms stay together .
7 branches and make spitting fires from them ,
8 You should be able to go into turns and make centring movements without having to refer to the slip ball , yaw string , or ASI .
9 The money will help fund a resources library and make learning units available to small , remote groups either on loan or as permanent gifts .
10 Most insects have fairly predictable behaviour and you can often adjust sowing dates to avoid peak periods of egg-laying or migration , and deny colonising pests a favoured habitat by , for example , pinching out the soft tips of broad beans or applying a protective insecticide .
11 For many years , video camera lenses have come with manual focus rings and zoom operating levers fitted as standard .
12 A surreal drama of eccentricity and fear using scrap creations , clanking Heath Robinsonesque sets , sound machines and an extraordinary array of animated figures .
13 Your local butcher or supermarket boast new , versatile cuts of English , Scottish and Welsh lamb which avoid waste and maximise eating pleasure .
14 Then too OSF and UI might divvy up the turf with UI handling requirements and technology selection and OSF doing development .
15 It will be seen that there is a constant difference ( about 140 milliseconds ) between the word monitoring and rhyme monitoring conditions .
16 It requires a good water starting and carve gybing ability and can only be sailed in a consistent Force 3/4+ .
17 According to local press reports in early August , President Frederick Chiluba dismissed Ephraim Chibwe as Minister of Works and Supply following allegations of " anomalies " in buying South African furniture for official buildings .
18 It also has the ability to handle loose wool and hank dyeing operations , a combination which traditionally require separate dye vats but are now possible from the one machine .
19 On coach/air and coach touring holidays , all road tolls , ferry and port charges are included and on self-drive holidays , port charges are included when you book our special rate ferry tickets .
20 The council has applied for Forestry Commission grants to maintain the new woodland and build linking footpaths .
21 As a result of strong growth , firms hope to become sufficiently large to make a " name " and thus attract new issuers and build placing power , an objective that may be felt to be consistent with long term profit maximisation .
22 Boldface , italic and underline printing features
23 Some pieces of bogwood and floating plants can also be added to the tank to give shade and provide hiding places for the fry .
24 There are also different kinds of drawing boards which will hold the paper firmly down and provide moving X and Y axes .
25 The use of plants is recommended as they help settle the catfish down and provide spawning sites .
26 As the Cheshires sped away , soldiers in one of the Land Rovers leaped out at a road block to take up positions in a ditch and provide covering fire with their SA80 automatic rifles .
27 Seal joints with mastic , and fit sealing grommets carefully
28 To detect change it uses quantitative rather than qualitative measures , multi-wave panels ( ie repeated interviews with the same panel of respondents ) , and telephone interviewing techniques which allow day by day measurements of changing perceptions and opinions throughout the election campaign .
29 ‘ Can with plug ’ , ‘ Tea pot ’ and ‘ Can with padlock ’ made between £600 and £750 while ‘ L'oiseau bleu ’ , formed from a painted and cut ironing board , sold to the same telephone bidder for £2,000 .
30 The voice of the future mimes the supposed experts who presume to know what lies in wait : ‘ Soon the ecopolitical system will crumble , and sado-experts will fly in from all over the world and poke into its smoking entrails and utter smooching agnostications ’ ( 15 ) , or : ‘ The ecozoologists will then fly in from all over the world and poke its entrails and fraudcast a stooging diregnosis ’ ( 18 ) .
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