Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pers pn] of " in BNC.

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1 Many of these features are unique to these mountains , and make them of much more than mere climbing interest .
2 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
3 He would have been able to tell Gould about the wealth of unusual birds around Adelaide , and persuade him of the necessity of collecting in the area .
4 And ease them of their pain . ’
5 When he and my mother came to live at the house he bought five Aylesbury ducks to swim on the pond and clear it of weed .
6 Lenin tirelessly reiterated Clausewitz 's dictum , ‘ war is a tool of policy ’ , not only to establish the subordination of generals to politicians , but to legitimise war and divest it of taboos .
7 And tell me of a better left hander .
8 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
9 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
10 When you call us on and tell us of any defective traffic signals or pedestrian crossings , we will get things moving again .
11 What we really really need the public to do is er get in touch with us and tell us of any associations between vehicles of those types .
12 ‘ Like that one in Gulliver , ’ said Ann , and this started a discussion as to whether Scotland could engineer the flight of its islands to hover over England and starve her of sunlight and rain , like Laputa in Gulliver 's Travels .
13 ‘ It has become clear that people know there is a very real choice between the Tories who would privatise the National Health Service and starve it of funds and Labour who would invest in it and modernise it , ’ she said .
14 Your lady wife told my sister at table of your desire for a truce with Famagusta , your wish to feed the pigs and convince them of their isolation .
15 On behalf of you all I welcome Bishop Crowley to the North and assure him of our prayers and loyal support in the years ahead .
16 On behalf of you all I welcome Bishop Crowley to the North and assure him of our prayers and loyal support in the years ahead .
17 Now her time and talents are required elsewhere , and we would like to say a sincere thank you , and assure her of our prayers and good wishes in the months and years that lie ahead .
18 Sussex members take this opportunity to thank Pat for starting the East Grinstead Rally and assure her of their intention to carry on her good work .
19 ‘ May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the good work you are doing and assure you of my prayers . ’
20 Once again , I thank you and assure you of my prayers .
21 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
22 By itself , apical HCl secretion would progressively alkalinise the parietal cell and deplete it of Cl - .
23 They have their local medicine and the witch doctors try and cure them of their diseases first so they would even bore holes into people 's skulls to let the spirits out for headaches and things like that .
24 And than at a later stage go bock and have a go at Sally and and remind her of all these good things that you talked about .
25 ‘ They are a very good side , and remind me of our old Liverpool team in that they could sit back and hit you on the break , ’ he said .
26 To conclude , I will list what these questions are , and remind you of some of the answers that can be given :
27 Touches like this emphasise how meagre the rest of the fare is , and remind you of the contrary sensation , years back , when , after much prompting , you listened to Darkness on the Edge of Town and were suddenly converted .
28 and remind you of some of the other things that you did n't .
29 The words balance the earlier ‘ put ’ , and remind us of the truth .
30 and remind us of heathery origins
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