Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv] the " in BNC.

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61 Already he was capable , it seemed , of making that impact on the stage which was , in record time , to put him at the top of his treacherous profession and bring on the applause of his finest contemporaries .
62 ‘ OK , Ellis , take out the tray and bring on the sex maniac . ’
63 Already there was a fledgling brewery at St. James 's Gate and the stage was set for the arrival of one who would sweep away the myth and mystery and bring instead the art and science of brewing to perfection .
64 So we teach our daughters that er , er , the first and foremost duty they have to perform in life is to like after your husband and elders and bring up the family , and the economical side , contribution from the er female is secondary , although they claim it a part as well , erm as economically as well .
65 You can click on an empty space on the desktop and bring up the Task Manager .
66 FINLAND 'S government yesterday announced an emergency economic austerity package to stem an outflow of investment capital from the country that is threatening to force a major devaluation and bring down the centre-right administration .
67 These would undoubtedly deter smaller corporations and bring down the incidence of corporate crime , particularly amongst the relatively smaller national-bound corporations , and even those larger corporations whose capital equipment is relatively fixed and who need the local more specialized work force .
68 An arc of movement and bring down the feet
69 One firm is even arranging for convoys of lorries to travel with the coaches to France and bring back the booty .
70 In the story , those invited to attend made excuses ; a response which so infuriated the host that he ordered his servant to ‘ Hurry out to the streets and alleys of the town , and bring back the poor , the crippled , the blind , and the lame . … ’
71 On trips into London after we 'd finally moved to Wales , I would raid skips and bring back the booty on the car roof-rack .
72 It would prevent more tragedies like Michael Watson 's and bring back the skill to the game .
73 The number of days lost through strikes is lower than at any time since 1979 , and people ought to know that Labour policies would sweep all that away and bring back the sort of industrial anarchy that existed in 1978-79 .
74 And bring back the glasses .
75 Willy away and and bring back the matches please .
76 But in the end when the mind has become permanently calm and we have released ourselves from the enslavement by the child , we can relax our guard and bring together the diverse parts of life in a total unity ,
77 Mr President , since nineteen twenty four and the great amalgamation which formed the G M W , it has been the ambition of many within the G M W and the T & g to complete the task and bring together the tru two great general unions to form one super union .
78 It is an Aboriginal understanding that the fauna and flora of the landscape has an ‘ increase centre ’ — an area of high electro-magnetic energy , where the performance of correct rituals will release the life essence or Kurunba stored there and bring about the desired increase .
79 So will lower mortgage rates and house prices be enough to attract the first-time buyer back into the market and bring about the long-awaited recovery in house prices ?
80 Edward VIII , the rise of Hitler , and World War Three which will last three years and seven months and bring about the end of the world .
81 So too his message of the coming kingdom can not be lifted out and carried over to the present : that message was refuted when Jesus himself attempted to provoke the intervention of God and bring about the end of history by challenging the powers and authorities of his own day .
82 Shah 's victory opened the door to a brave new world in which the proprietors could , once more , manage the industry and bring about the sorts of changes which they had long desired .
83 I watched her do this and bring about the destruction of one of England 's greatest noblemen but that 's another story .
84 It can only be up to ourselves to either be seduced by this sly trickster and his façade of grandeur or to laugh in the face of his absurdity and bring forth the somewhat obscured benevolence of God , his son , and our first ancestral parents , to achieve some perspective to the poem as a whole .
85 So , with ‘ fly away Peter ’ you lift up your left hand and , as your fingers go out of sight behind your ears , you put away your index finger and bring out the second finger .
86 Wind the bobbin with 24-turns of 18s.w.g. enamelled wire , keeping it neatly in layers ( there are about 1½ layers involved ) and bring out the wire ends down through the bobbin slots in the positions shown in Fig. 8 .
87 Hence they throw into relief and bring out the significant aspects of the phenomenon in question .
88 I had to think of her seeing the copy of my cock on Monday , I had to think of her first thinking , ‘ Golly , what a nut ’ , and then finding she had to stare uncontrollably at the specific image of my cock , boyoing , had to file that image away in a secret file folder where she filed away all my asterisk memos , and that some night working late , she 'd reach her long arms down to that drawer and bring out the asterisk file and go through the pages , asterisk after asterisk , until she found my cock .
89 Add a dash of spice to your cooking and bring out the full flavour .
90 Most mammals use their sense of smell to find food , and all rely on smell to supplement their taste buds and bring out the full flavour of food , as anyone with a heavy cold will know .
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