Example sentences of "and [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The patients , too , are the same ; skinny single parents in stone-washed jeans , hair longish and limp with bleach , oily-haired lads in dirty anoraks , babies in prams and famished couples .
2 The very notion of development and change over time is contained within the notion of implicit and explicit aspects of attitudes .
3 Perhaps too the future of systems , by focusing upon the mechanics of the system , will necessarily incorporate processes , man and change over time , and employ quantitative methods — thus providing an integration of the themes in the previous four chapters .
4 Return and change into uniform .
5 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
6 The practice of meditation and contemplation is life-long , reflecting this daily process of repentance and change at heart .
7 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
8 This process is like the creative process of mind where ideas and images stored in the mind 's vats join together and change through time and become the matter of poetry .
9 Topics covered in the final year include Issues in Sport , Innovation and Change in Sport , Individual Performance and Sport , Practical Studies , Management , Policy Making and Planning .
10 The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987 in what was seen as a retrenchment and change in direction of its development .
11 In practice the procedures adopted by local authorities differ widely , and change in response to political control and financial stress .
12 This multiplicity of objectives , and the way in which they are defined through the political process and change in response to changing political priorities , distinguishes state enterprises from private firms .
13 What determines whether people see a glass as half-full or half-empty is mood rather than fact , and change in mood often defies quantification .
14 The structuralist account portrays structures as relatively unchanging and self-reproducing ; the post-structuralism of Foucault discerns and investigates a continual flux and change in society and in structures themselves .
15 But the shrinkage and change in family structure and the alteration of some of its functions has coincided with a rise in the importance of the family as a focus of personal fulfilment .
16 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
17 We may now assess the significance of his role by examining the themes of continuity and change in relation to his twin principles of Parliamentary sovereignty and the rule of law .
18 The absence of any relation between birth weight and change in blood pressure percentile rank between 5–7 and 9–11 years suggested that the relation between birth weight and blood pressure is established by 5–7 years and that the subsequent increase in the strength of the association is due to blood pressure tracking and to the increasing dispersion of the blood pressure distribution with age .
19 Although for Aristotle physics meant the study of motion and change in nature , the main emphasis was placed by him on the states between which change takes place rather than on the actual course of the motion itself .
20 What does this linguistic variation mean , and what contribution can our analysis of variable states of language make to understanding variation and change in language generally ?
21 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
22 If infection is by ingestion the larvae may either penetrate the buccal mucosa an undergo the pulmonary migration described above or pass direct to the intestine and develop to patency .
23 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
24 Waugh might have agreed even with the complaint about surface faults , which he was shortly to concede in a new preface and expunge by revision .
25 Rifabutin and ethambutol in combination were assessed in 16 patients with recurrent Crohn 's disease who had undergone an ileal resection with a partial colectomy and ileocolonic anastomosis .
26 As well as helping us transmute negative emotions such as anger , fear and hate into optimism and joy , they can be used for psychic protection — and the effect can be immediate .
27 People stroll in their shirtsleeves , and sit at sidewalk cafés .
28 Every day the Prince and Princess went off on official business , to look at churches , visit hospitals and meet people , and the minute they were back on board the royal yacht , Charles would quickly change into some comfortable clothes and sit on deck with his sketchbook and teacher , until the very last minute before the bell for dinner .
29 Ca n't you see that they might find it worthwhile to bend the truth and sit on justice when there 's so much at stake ? ’
30 And then with shoulders bunched and my eyes on the messed pavement I shuffle off down the drinker , and sit with tankard and tabloid in the comer by the fire .
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