Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
2 They have inertia , mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force .
3 Nurse the resident in a position in which he or she is most comfortable , and change that position frequently .
4 If he had a good fairy on hand he would ask her to wave her wand and change British spending habits .
5 One MEP has calculated that if you start with £100 in Britain and change this sum successively into each of the Community s eleven currencies , you would only have £50 by the final transaction .
6 Some species are very tiny , and encrust other shells .
7 by accident and drag that home
8 ‘ Participate in and develop cooperative training schemes with neighbouring Authorities and with library schools ’ .
9 The questions to be asked in relation to adoptive parents are : first , whether they can successfully parent a child and develop deep attachments to it without a feeling of ‘ entitlement ’ or of being in charge and whilst there are continued visits or contacts by birth parents or birth relatives .
10 We will press ahead with regular appraisal of teachers to encourage high standards and develop professional skills .
11 In the established professions , there are clear structures to support , maintain and develop professional practice .
12 These modules will provide the opportunity for students to specialise in the Sciences and develop vocational competences including Lead Body Standards where these are available .
13 They explore one side of their personality and develop one aspect of their skills with a single-mindedness which has obvious disadvantages .
14 It was her research that showed how close we are in evolutionary terms to the apes : how they communicate with each other , use tools ( hitherto thought to be a strictly human activity ) and develop lifelong bonds of family and friendship .
15 It was becoming increasingly clear to the Prussians that they would have great difficulty in making their eastern possessions a financial success : the only way to make the eastern marches profitable was to exploit the poor natural resources to the limit and develop industrial capacity .
16 Also late in 1989 LEDU awarded Worknet a contract to assist people in West Belfast who had a business or self-employment idea to take their ideas forward and develop small businesses within the community .
17 17.14 During the early years of the secondary school , and as they grow into adolescence , pupils will increasingly be able to take a more objective view and develop greater understanding of the writing process .
18 A campaigning approach is needed to seek better resources and develop greater understanding .
19 Newspapers , journalists do n't just work office hours , I know they 'd like to but they , they I do n't let them but also a tremendous problem that they that that that you are always tied up in meetings and things during the day , you know , so make sure , try and develop personal contacts so you 've got a decent personal contact when you do n't mind giving your home number to someone .
20 Erm , the first thing you do is a central policy thing , a major function is to analyze , interpret and develop strategic responses responses to all major Government legislation .
21 Train and develop all employees with respect to objectives of the Strategic Plan .
22 I will probably contact many of you over the next few months to try to establish the working conditions in various areas and develop future strategies accordingly .
23 Even the most basic multi-language signs or the occasional ‘ Guten tag ’ will create goodwill and develop future business .
24 A new export-processing zone near Lomé , designed to attract foreign capital and develop non-traditional exports , was expected to come into operation after the publication of enabling decrees by the Council of Ministers in May 1990 .
25 Nevertheless , quite apart from their value as a temporary measure to kick-start a move to overcome corporate cultural stereotypes , it was argued convincingly that at an operational level they worked as a performance standard on managers , making them work harder to find , encourage and develop female high-fliers .
26 The Independent described him as " the closest assistant to President Urho Kekkonen when , in a world divided by the Cold War , Finland tried to establish its neutrality and develop friendly ties with the Soviet Union " .
27 Climbers usually need only a light pruning , ( a ) , to build up strong main stems and develop lateral side shoots .
28 ‘ It is a tribute to the French people here that they have been able to work with customers and develop such confidence in Grimsby 's service .
29 The disadvantage that besets British firms is that they can not sell enough products in the UK to generate the cash needed to promote their wares overseas and develop new products .
30 In addition , extensive research is being undertaken to improve existing lines and develop new products .
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