Example sentences of "and [vb pp] as a " in BNC.

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1 Later that same enemy had been bloodily counter attacked and neutralised as a threat for the foreseeable future .
2 These teaching materials are techniques made manifest by the specific choice of language , designed and arranged as a series of tasks or exercises for immediate implementation .
3 When extrapolated and heard as a song-cycle ( as intended ) , its light quasi-sardonic approach , and uncomplicated musical setting , is attractive enough , sung stylishly by Margaret Cable and Christopher Keyte , with the composer at the piano .
4 Is he addressing his comments to all those who have become marginalised and dispossessed as a result of right-wing Conservative policies over the years ?
5 SRI LANKA 'S Tamil Tiger guerrillas announced yesterday that they had renounced violence and registered as a political party .
6 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
7 After removal of the supernatant , the pellet was dispersed into a slurry , drawn into a fine glass pipette and placed as a standing drop on the surface of a nucleopore filter in organ culture .
8 It would challenge the boundaries between subject areas : for example , why science is construed and taught as a totally separate area from social science , when it might be argued that the social effects of science ( particularly in our nuclear age ) should be given equal weight to the mechanisms of science .
9 The Boffins take care of him when Betty goes away , and disguised as a dustman , he keeps an eye on Wegg whilst Boffin 's mounds are cleared to see that nothing is stolen .
10 Although deformed and treated as a spectacle , he was adopted by ‘ high society ’ at the height of his ‘ fame ’ and later abandoned by them .
11 Thumb Sucking — If this is done frequently and perniciously it must be taken in hand and treated as a bad habit .
12 Alternatively they may be subsumed within the department and treated as a poor relation .
13 Under the 1987 Philippines Constitution , once the existing bases agreement expired , " foreign military bases , troops or facilities shall not be allowed in the Philippines except under a treaty duly concurred in by the Senate [ upper house of parliament ] … and recognized as a treaty by the other contracting state " .
14 A consultant 's job can be divided roughly into three areas of work , all of which are interrelated , but each of which may be taken and given as a separate service .
15 Six months later she went to prison as a suffragette , having lied about her age and enrolled as a militant .
16 Returning to his parents in Scarborough , he continued to train in hotel management until in 1925 he at last defied the family and enrolled as a drama student at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London , where two years later he won the gold medal and was immediately given his start in the professional theatre by one of his teachers , the Russian director Theodore Komisarjevsky [ q.v . ] .
17 Given a merchant 's upbringing close to London 's dockland , and enrolled as a mercer , he rapidly made his mark among a group of rising ‘ outsiders ’ , prominent in colonial trades and colonizing ventures , who were challenging the politically conservative oligarchy of mainly Levant and East India Company merchants that dominated the corporation of London before the civil war .
18 Three weeks ago , the 102nd Airborne Division , Russian-trained and regarded as a crack unit , was rushed from its base at Asmara to the front line , but it too has been mauled by the rebels , who swept through the mountains flanking the main road , capturing all the towns as far as Woldiya .
19 Being Nordic , and regarded as a neutral , he had come to be looked on as port representative for foreign ships passing through the Magellan Strait , a sort of consul .
20 The witness of an insult , or the victim of it , will feel that his dignity is impugned and regarded as a matter for contempt by the person whose conduct he witnesses .
21 He led a field of seven candidates in an inconclusive first round , and in the second round run-off he defeated Oleg Lobov , currently the second secretary of the Armenian CP and regarded as a pro-Gorbachev reformer .
22 Currently a Deputy Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers and Chair of its Bureau for Machine Building , and regarded as a moderate reformer , Silayev defeated Mikhail Bocharov ( reportedly Russian President Boris Yeltsin 's favoured candidate ) in an inconclusive first round , and standing unopposed and with Yeltsin 's public endorsement in a second round he was backed by 163 of the 220 deputies present .
23 For instance , unusually avid eaters of fish and shellfish living near Sellafield , and regarded as a ‘ critical ’ group , received a maximum of just 0.18 mSv .
24 The temple , the oldest ( 340–250 B.C. ) and most important building of the city , was the work of Pytheos , architect of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassos ( page 35 ) and , though of more modest dimensions ( 122 feet by 64 feet ) , than the temples at Didyma and Ephesos , was finely proportioned and regarded as a model for Ionic temples in Asia Minor .
25 Penguin Books has issued an eighth revised edition of Sir John Summerson 's Architecture in Britain 1530–1830 , first published in 1953 and intended as a companion to Ellis Waterhouse 's Painting in Britain 1530–1830 and Margaret Whinney 's Sculpture in Britain which covers the same period .
26 But there are two further points which emerge from considerations of a wide range of literature relating to public enterprise : big investment decisions have been complicated and delayed as a result of having to be considered by a number of government departments ; such decisions have been easy prey to party political pressures when they have involved the location of new plants and/or closure of old ones [ Knight , 1974 ] .
27 If Grimbergen is closed , and developed as a residential area , or even worse , if factories are built there , the loss of a convenient airfield to attract business and executive aircraft will be far reaching to the ‘ hub of Europe ’ , ie Brussels .
28 At ‘ battle level ’ the action is fast and furious , and this part of Campaign could almost be removed and developed as a stand alone game .
29 The existing building dates from the 1740s when it became an oil mill for linseed In 1808 it was bought by the British Copper Company and was used for producing copper sheets In 1860 it was purchased by the East London Water Company and rebuilt as a pumping station .
30 One of the reasons why Napoleon wished to retain close supervision of France 's foreign policy was his understanding of the difficulties which would arise once he began to probe the weaknesses of the European system established in 1815 and designed as a check to French ambition .
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