Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However local and limited the awareness to which the words testify , I have identified a spontaneous reaction to which , since it is provisionally approved by ‘ Be aware ’ , it is rational to seek means as an end good in itself ; if you disagree , the burden of proof has shifted to you , to make me aware of something overlooked which will redirect my response .
2 The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act 1959 ( the Landrum-Griffin Act ) imposed added restrictions on picketing , strikes and boycotts and limited the union leaders ' control over union funds and other administrative matters .
3 Other acts sought to prohibit as far as possible corrupt practices and limited the amount of money a candidate could spend on election expenses .
4 One option for holders , of course , was to leave the dollars on deposit with a US bank but this was discouraged by US banking regulations which prevented interest from being paid on deposits of less than thirty days and limited the rate payable on longer deposits to less than that obtaining elsewhere .
5 It would , if implemented , " have dragged British government kicking and screaming into the 1950s " and limited the role of public management to the " programmed implementation of predetermined policies " ( Metcalfe and Richards 1987a ) .
6 It came into effect immediately , allowing multiparty politics and separating the executive , legislature and judiciary ; it also introduced the post of prime minister and limited the tenure of the president .
7 This met with opposition from representatives from civil-law jurisdictions on the ground that it was incompatible with the possession vaut titre principle and had implications going beyond the field of leasing , and the Study Group eventually concluded that no progress could be made on this issue and limited the statement of priority to conflicts between the lessor and the lessee 's general creditors , subject to perfection of the lessor 's title in accordance with any public notice requirements of the applicable law .
8 This could have worked and altered the course of history , had not another miner within the City devised a scheme of counter mines through which water was directed and the gunpowder flooded .
9 And frightened the spider away
10 He had studied and pondered the case , and was immersed in it ; he tried talking to both Marco and Eddie , and pursues Marco for the promise that could save Eddie 's life .
11 Gail Thompson has composed and arranged the music for this blockbuster of an evening .
12 Edward had conceived and arranged the exhibition himself and was aware that it lacked verve : he was not good at these things .
13 In Salford , according to The Guardian , sodium chloride had exploded and wrecked a warehouse .
14 Malawi 's answer to Dr Finlay examined Warrington thoroughly , diagnosed ‘ problems in the marriage area , ’ and prescribed a draught of aphrodisiac tea .
15 That evening you visited your GP who told you to take it easy and prescribed a course of tranquillizers .
16 A doctor was called out and he diagnosed some kind of virus and prescribed a course of antibiotics .
17 Drago applied his fingers to some of the strings and adjusted a turnkey on the end of one of the tusks .
18 ‘ In a word — fantastic ! ’ she replied , and would have trotted out all she 'd seen again , had not a waiter come along and placed a menu in her hands .
19 Then she coaxed her employer into a fresh nightgown and placed a clean , although old-fashioned day-cap of cotton and lace upon the freshly washed and combed hair .
20 On Monday she finally knelt on the ground where he was killed and placed a wreath to his memory .
21 He got up suddenly and placed a pile of clothes on the end of the bed .
22 One day Leonie 's employer had got wind of what was going on , sacked Leonie and placed a telephone call to Victor Nicholson , the ignorant , ill-tempered manufacturer Hugo was contracted to at the time .
23 The Philippines also acted and placed a ban on all hardwood exports — again the industry will look elsewhere for its timber , most prominently Sarawak and Sabah on which there is already great pressure .
24 to take over all public transport in the London area and placed a Bill before Parliament early in April , to enable this to happen .
25 ‘ Just a minute , ’ Laura , partially recovered , went to April and placed a hand on her mother .
26 Thiercelin drew a deep breath and placed a hand to his brow .
27 After a couple of minutes , one of them returned and placed a hand on Beattie 's shoulder and said that he was arresting him under Section 10 and Schedule 1 of the Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act .
28 She squeezed Elaine 's fingers , and placed a hand on Francis 's shoulder .
29 He came to her and placed a hand beneath her elbow .
30 To Busacher 's astonishment Madge Grimsilk rose to her feet and placed a hand on Willi 's shoulder .
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