Example sentences of "and [vb past] off for " in BNC.

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1 But he recovered his balance in a stride and made off for the water jump .
2 In the meantime it remains unused and sealed off for much of the year .
3 Got away with it because the other bobbies saw me home and signed off for me .
4 I went out into Main Street and started off for the pier .
5 But he said that the amnesty would not cover players who had been shown the red card and sent off for serious offences during qualifying games .
6 But he said that the amnesty would not cover players who had been shown the red card and sent off for serious offences during qualifying games .
7 ‘ Through the bank I ordered one dollar , two dollars maybe , and sent off for it .
8 ‘ I hate my fat knees , ’ she said , and went off for a ten-mile hike .
9 He had burned his bridges in Hollywood and took off for the seclusion of Taos to hide away , his life having come to another dead end , cursed by his own self-destructiveness and sheer bad luck .
10 He said later he saw the 109s and took off for home .
11 It was flown by Geoff Dodd , a company pilot : ‘ I picked up my survival suit , cleared Special Branch , and took off for the Isle of Man suited-up and wearing a life-jacket .
12 Sometimes he left the food , leaned into the wind and took off for a while , to circle and check that no Men were about .
13 Rex dumped the two-headed sailor-boy back on my knee and took off for the phone .
14 Why did n't you tell me ? ’ and ran off for help .
15 The next day we hired a Panda auto and nipped off for a game of golf , it had been rather warm and on returning Sonya suggested I remove my cerise tweeds and let my cornet Kascade down .
16 He got up and dressed as though in a trance , and set off for the Castle with the hangdog look of a condemned man .
17 She combed her hair , applied her make-up and set off for the Post Office .
18 Then they have five days to sell the dog , make arrangements for the wife and kids and set off for Moscow 's Star City , ’ he said .
19 When he had gone , Arty , smiling to himself at what he considered a victory , got out of bed and set off for the bathroom to wash his hair .
20 He bounded over the thirteenth and fourteenth and set off for the Chair , that huge open ditch which forms the biggest obstacle on the course .
21 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
22 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
23 I at once applied for leave , which was granted , and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train .
24 When the attack ceased they managed to cannibalize parts to get one truck going and set off for the rendezvous with Fraser , only to find nobody there .
25 I must go and break it to dear Dimity , and then we must clear up things here , and set off for Thrush Green without delay . ’
26 He got his brother to look after the bar for an hour or so , bundled Maidstone into a taxi driven by a friend of his and set off for Maidstone 's apartment in the Vomero .
27 I collect a dozen or so from the dewy grass in the early morning and set off for a few hours ' chubbing , knowing I am going to catch several fish , providing , of course , the weather and water conditions are favourable .
28 Realising that there was more snow on the way , she clenched her teeth and set off for the moors .
29 At matches he had to be watched like a hawk in case he wriggled out of his headcollar , and set off for the tea tent , where his doleful yellow face and black-ringed eyes could coax sandwiches and cake out of the most stony-hearted waitress .
30 She turned to her right and set off for home , all thought and feeling evacuated along with her energy and her sweat , in touch only with the irregular paving-stones , the light-rays interrupting the pink-grey clouds , the number-plates of cars , the lines on the faces that passed her , the name of the day , its date .
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