Example sentences of "and [vb past] him into " in BNC.

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1 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
2 Do come in , ’ she said , and led him into the dining-room .
3 She took his hand and led him into the sitting room .
4 The tiny woman took Tuppe by the hand and led him into the darkness at the rear of the shop .
5 ‘ It 's this way , ’ Ashley said , and led him into the house .
6 ‘ We never got any recognition for it , but Vidal 's short , geometric look , which made his name and got him into the news , had never before been seen .
7 The effort he had put into creating another character , a Daniel Miller , would have turned in upon him and transformed him into his own words .
8 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
9 They trapped him in corners , caught him and drove him into small dark spaces that rattled terrifyingly .
10 It was this same Spirit that drove Jesus off into the desert to be tempted after his baptism , that pioneered the mission of the early Church often in the most bizarre , unexpected and ‘ unorthodox ’ ways ; that gripped a man like Philip , removed him from a flourishing evangelistic campaign in Samaria and drove him into the desert because there was one man who needed his help .
11 At his first rehearsal of Peter Pan , almost before Bunny had finished introducing him to the rest of the cast , Dotty had taken him proprietorially by the arm and strolled him into the wings .
12 Ignoring his protests , Beth stripped away his undergarments and lifted him into her arms .
13 What he asked was guidance in the matter of a young man 's death , a clean young man who handled lambs with gentleness and care , as lambs of God , and never deserved to be done to death suddenly before his time , however the love of God might have set a secure hand under him as he fell , and lifted him into light .
14 The victory , the 18th of Kite 's career , was worth $198,000 and lifted him into the top spot on this year 's US Tour money-winning list with $292,361 .
15 Cross and sore , I got straight back on and trotted him into the fence again .
16 A bolt was drawn back from inside then the door opened fractionally before a hand reached out and hauled him into the room .
17 A very spruce maid welcomed him and showed him into the Bishop 's drawing-room .
18 She seemed inclined to give Harry short shrift , but at his mention of Heather 's name , she relented and showed him into the front room , where a meagre measure of calm and quiet prevailed .
19 Valerie looked cautiously round , then , lowering her voice , said : ‘ Weeks ago our little kitten ran into the wood , and she caught him and turned him into a witch 's cat . ’
20 As a result her handsome husband shrank into a shrivelled old man until he was so deformed the gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada — one of the first creatures to excitedly greet the dawn on a warm summer 's day .
21 Harry was enjoying himself : he had been drinking , and was in that pleasant state of semi-inebriation that softened his tongue and turned him into a quite amiable human being .
22 Furious at the decision of young King David II to appoint Sir Alexander Ramsay rather than himself as sheriff of Teviotdale , Douglas captured Ramsay and threw him into the Hermitage dungeon .
23 Then they sealed the lid and threw him into the Nile .
24 He dived headlong as he reached the top , but Burun stepped out of the way , caught his son 's sash at the back as he passed , swung him round and threw him into the wreckage of the bed again .
25 But on 2 May , three armed FBI agents took Coleman into custody for ‘ wilfully and knowingly making a false statement in an application for a passport ’ , and threw him into Mobile City Jail .
26 For a time we fished quietly , and then I moved carefully behind Moely and knocked him into the water .
27 His mother spoke as if she believed an unnatural weight of learning had fallen on her son 's head and knocked him into madness .
28 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
29 A two-goal flourish in the 3-0 win at Sheffield Wednesday lifted his Premier League tally to seven and thrust him into the frame for an England debut in Spain on Wednesday .
30 and thrust him into the Styx
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