Example sentences of "and [vb past] it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She prised it out of its little grave and wiped it clean .
2 Duncan slung his small case on to the bed and zipped it open .
3 He knew he had simplified the matter when he said the six thousand would be sent abroad to the War — simplified it and coloured it blood-red .
4 It was also found to give excessive flange wear , and made it necessary to turn the wheels after 20,000 miles in service .
5 This presented the Communists as a part of the federal Labour movement , and made it necessary for sections of the Labour Party to give serious consideration to Communist aims and activities .
6 Romantic poets such as Novalis and Arndt gave expression to this idea and made it famous , but it dates at least from Leibniz 's great political tract , Caesarinus Furstenerius ( De Supremum Principum Germaniae ) written in 1677 which called for the unification of Christendom and , thus , of Germany .
7 Imagination contracted the distance and made it surprising to fall for so long , and then he was tearing through dogwood and elder bushes and tumbling in a shower of twigs and leaves on to the ground .
8 With this system , we have substantially reduced the capital cost compared with other processes and made it easy to integrate into existing equipment .
9 … the subscription method democratized literary patronage , and made it possible for a community of wealthy people to contribute to the support of many authors .
10 They proved much easier to collect than direct taxes and made it possible for government revenue to keep pace with the swift rise in production .
11 The course of events after 1931 clearly revealed the inadequacy of pure aspiration as the basis for a science of international politics , and made it possible for the first time to embark on serious critical and analytical thought about international problems .
12 This led to a surplus of qualified workers and made it possible for their work and pay to be devalued .
13 She put us back on our feet and made it possible for us to live again .
14 Second , failure of supporters of other parties to transfer votes on elimination caused these to be non-transferable and made it possible for VUPP candidates to be elected " without reaching the quota " in the last stage of a count .
15 There 's no going back from Grey 's capture — not until time has dulled the sting , at least , and made it possible to mention peace without being called a traitor by some city haberdasher in the commons .
16 The decree , which entered into force later in June , entitled Albanian citizens in principle to a passport for travelling abroad and re-entering the country , and made it possible for visitors to obtain entry visas at crossing points on the Albanian border .
17 Here and here alone the bourgeois and even more the petty bourgeois family could maintain the illusion of a harmonious , hierarchic happiness , surrounded by the material artefacts which demonstrated it and made it possible , the dream-life which found its culminating expression in the domestic ritual systematically developed for this purpose , the celebration of Christmas .
18 Is it not time that the Government got off their behinds and made it compulsory for a payment to be made every year to every senior citizen in this land ?
19 After the event it looks very much as if his campaigns overstrained the resources of his empire and made it impossible to hold together , but at the time he was seen as the greatest of conquerors .
20 This gravely restricted Law 's room for manoeuvre and made it impossible for him to accept the only compromise that Asquith could offer .
21 But maybe he did see Rosa run heavily for the door of her home ; maybe he was one of the men in the cafe who knew , who corroborated Tommaso 's insult later with their laughter , and made it impossible for Davide to ignore it and fail to issue his challenge .
22 The wash of a passing collier rocked both boats and the enormous reverberation of her wailing hooter filled the air and made it impossible for them to speak .
23 No mourners followed but an unmarked car appeared in the road and made it impossible for any vehicle to tail the hearse .
24 The headmaster paused , reminding himself of his conclusion that the privilege of educating the sons of the royal house had been conferred on this school because it was uniquely endowed with a philosophy which informed all its actions and made it equal to the task .
25 We cut a mask for my face out of a balaclava and made it black with boot polish .
26 Mrs Thatcher had rebuffed suggestions that he resign and made it clear that he enjoyed her full confidence .
27 She made accurate notes and made it clear what was fact and what was her opinion .
28 My father was friendly enough but too obviously confident of his powers : if other parents complained to him about me or my brother , he always took our side and made it clear that he would roll up his sleeves and take on anyone who laid a finger on us .
29 Ferguson brushed aside what he called ‘ innuendo and criticism ’ and made it clear he regarded the acquisition of the French striker as a huge stepping stone towards winning the title .
30 It will accelerate moves towards quality labelling and higher standards , and despite the sensationalising of what is in fact a minor problem , Watchdog emphasised the good points of fishkeeping , showed an attractive tank and made it clear that one family at least had not been put off fishkeeping by their mishap .
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