Example sentences of "and [vb past] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The moving spectacle , which was interrupted repeatedly by rounds of automatic weapons fire , was carried live on Sarajevo television , and beamed to homes in all the former Yugoslavian republics .
2 Patrick leaned forward and whispered to Joseph .
3 I leant over Mum and whispered to Dad .
4 She kicked forward and whispered to Scathach , ‘ They 're not wolves , they 're humans .
5 Sir Bruce sipped , made a face , and whispered to Agnes : ‘ And I thought we suffered at MoD .
6 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
7 Seizing her opportunity , Margaret leant forward across her desk and whispered to Maura .
8 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
9 She shivered and clung to Maggie , burying her head like a child .
10 Here on the islands , where there was little vegetation , one species fed on seaweed and clung to rocks among the surging waves with unusually long and powerful claws .
11 At the end of the street he had the option of turning left , into the town , or right , along the road which skirted the shore and led to Moorgate and the hill to Albert Tarace .
12 This construction usually evoked great alarm among the surrounding natives and led to attempts to destroy the fort which had been built on their land …
13 Indeed , the efficiency of a denationalized , deregulated British Telecom somewhat declined thereafter , and led to complaints about poor service and rising telephone bills .
14 It was this which incensed Presbyterians and led to complaints about him in the Westminster Assembly .
15 Clouds of soot and oily particles obscured the sun and led to downpours of " black rain " in northern Saudi Arabia and Kuwait .
16 This congruence took a somewhat arbitrary and procrustean form and led to conflicts of interest , particularly in the case of the Head of the Art Department .
17 Paxton was a young gardener at Chatsworth when , encouraged by the 6th Duke , he built a giant conservatory 300 feet long , 145 feet wide by 60 feet high which soon attracted the world 's attention and led to Paxton being commissioned to build the Crystal Palace for the Exhibition of 1851 .
18 The introductions last year of massively parallel machines by the likes of Intel Corp , Thinking Machines Corp opened up the parallel market and led to forecasts that they would eventually replace the vector machines first developed by Seymour Cray , who did his pioneering work at the then Control Data Corp before moving on to found Cray Research Inc and then Cray Computer Corp .
19 The announcement immediately heightened the political tension in the country and led to speculation that Cristiani 's stance now reflected the views of extreme right-wing elements in the army and in his own Nationalist Republican Alliance ( Arena ) party .
20 The figures , which were announced at the weekend , disappointed most and led to warnings of cuts in services to avoid charge capping .
21 It will come as no surprise to discover , then , that Spencer was highly critical of statutory intervention , arguing that it stifled liberty and led to rigidity and uniformity : ‘ Society , a living growing organism , placed within apparatuses of dead , rigid , mechanical formulas , can not fail to be hampered and pinched . ’
22 It was estimated to have cost the US taxpayer $2,600 million and led to charges of ethics violations against five members of the US Senate [ see p. 38568 ] .
23 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
24 We will end the neglect that has allowed some former patients to end up sleeping rough and led to others being placed on remand .
25 The principal cause of the problem , however , was fertilizer run-XXXX off , which contaminated groundwater and led to eutrophication of surface water .
26 Peasgood , in a more recent exercise , described how studies of subject use in an academic library revealed considerable variations , and led to changes in allocations policy .
27 This was a fundamental contribution to the phenomenon of absorption and led to changes in the composition of artificial manures .
28 The idea attracted immense enthusiasm among all classes in Scotland , and led to disaster .
29 The success of the initial pilot programme has been recognised by the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health Education and led to Maurice , Kate and Ana meeting with Government officials and representatives from UNICEF to establish a long-term training programme in five Romanian regions , starting in November of this year .
30 The 11 sufferers identified in the study said the smell blighted their relationships with the opposite sex , wrecked promotion prospects at work and led to addiction to cigarettes , alcohol and drugs .
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