Example sentences of "and [vb past] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The statesmen of Europe heard your voice and dared not disobey .
2 I took the threat seriously , and dared not risk Mick causing adverse publicity .
3 Of what or to whom , Kathleen did not know and dared not ask .
4 While the Canadian business has been profitable , WH Smith believes the returns being obtained on £75m of sales from 200 outlets are not comparable with the returns that can be obtained in other markets and did not justify the future investment necessary to develop the chain .
5 If I sat still and did not do anything then nothing else could happen that I might have to cope with .
6 Nicholson recognized later that Mud had given him his head ; he appreciated the responsibility and did not do anything too foolish ; irresponsibility came later when he was well outside of any parental influence .
7 At one level , June Braithwaite attacked Robert about the time he spent away from home and what he did and did not do for the children .
8 While writers simply reflected people 's greater knowledge of the colonies and did not do much to increase it , the churches made quite substantial efforts to keep in touch across the Atlantic .
9 The Court was not asked to consider the effects of this violation and did not do so .
10 Suppose that this agreement had never been made , and the wife had made no promise to maintain herself and did not do so .
11 The report said an air traffic controller in the Bristol sector lacked sufficient training and did not formulate an emergency plan .
12 They did not enjoy Aintree two years ago and did not think that Ghofar ( who was unplaced to Mr Frisk ) enjoyed himself much either .
13 She sought to ‘ pacify ’ Miss T. and did not think that there was any problem as Miss T. did not need a blood transfusion .
14 Alan and Maryon both felt that six weeks would probably be enough and did not think he could manage to continue on this diet for another three weeks .
15 ‘ I was playing in a particular game and did not think I had done anything spectacular at all when I was approached by Heffernan who told me that he wanted me for the Ireland team to play Australia in the Compromise Rules series , ’ recalls McGilligan .
16 They responded differently to moral dilemmas they were likely to encounter themselves : they were reluctant to report drug dealers and did not think shoplifting a serious crime .
17 The all-rounder was immediately taken off by captain Jeff Teiman and did not bowl again in the match .
18 Her work entailed taking orders and payments for hampers , but when she was asked to supply hampers to one customer she kept the money and did not deliver the hampers .
19 graces could be an embarrassment , for he had no polite small-talk and did not pretend to any ; his visits to Windsor were an ordeal for guest and hosts alike , to him because he disliked formality and to his hosts because he was so difficult to entertain and because he did not mince words with the King .
20 It was forever seeking longer credit from its suppliers , it was never able to be paid quickly enough by its customers and did not boast adequate assets to borrow permanent capital .
21 In cell cultures , while EGF strongly stimulated DNA synthesis and started EGF receptor down regulation , TAGH had only a minor effect ( 1.5×basal ) on DNA synthesis and did not interact with or down regulate the EGF receptor .
22 However , Asian immigrants had a different , closed way of life and did not blend with traditional working class or East End ways of living .
23 CONSUMER inflation in America jumped an unexpected 1/2 p.c. last month , but economists said the figure was an aberration and did not shake their belief that inflation is moderating .
24 Mr. J. praised the nurses who had looked after his mother , and did not blame them in any way for her death .
25 They were philhellenes , fined young people who were too fat , and did not abandon their houses when they were invaded by water ( Strabo 4.4.6 , 7.2.1 ) .
26 Caernarfonshire captain Dave Wallace said Llandudno had not engaged Barnes as a professional and did not pay him for playing .
27 It was not a through-road for Saxon or medieval traffic ; it did not come into existence as a boundary ; it was not originally a drove-road , for cattle-drovers took over existing tracks and lanes and did not create their own except in special circumstances .
28 By a notice of appeal dated 6 September 1991 the solicitors appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) under section 6(2) of the Act of 1986 the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of section 3 of the Act to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell and ( b ) under section 61(1) of the Act the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of any rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell ; ( 2 ) the court had no jurisdiction under sections 6(2) and 61(1) to award claims for compensation for loss against persons knowingly concerned in such contraventions in contrast to sections 6(3) to ( 7 ) and sections 61(3) to ( 7 ) ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) the power of the court under section 6(2) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court might direct for restoring the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into and ( b ) the power of the court under section 61(1) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention of the rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to take such steps as the court might direct to remedy it included power to make a financial award against such person directing payment by that person to individual investors of sums equivalent to the amounts paid by such investors pursuant to the said transaction , neither subsection empowering the court to order restitution by the repayment of moneys outside the possession or control of the person concerned ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law ( a ) in his construction of sections 6(2) and 61(1) in failing to have regard to the principle ‘ generalibus specialia derogant , ’ in particular in holding that there could exist within each of sections 6 and 61 two parallel powers to order financial redress at the suit of the plaintiff , one derived from sections 6(3) and 6(4) and sections 61(3) and 61(4) respectively , which was subject to the limitations set out in those and subsequent subsections , and the other derived from section 6(2) and section 61(1) , which was subject to no such limitations ; ( b ) in rejecting the submission that sections 6 and 61 were essentially procedural and did not create new substantive legal rights and remedies ; and ( c ) in failing to have regard to the fact that the orders sought under paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer to the amended statement of claim required payment to the plaintiff or alternatively into court of moneys recovered thereunder from the solicitors despite the absence of any provisions for such orders in the Act , his dismissal of the summons being inconsistent with his finding that there was no provision in sections 6(2) or 61(1) directing payment into court and that any order under the sections would have to direct repayment of the sum paid to each individual investor who had made the original payment .
29 The men of Greece , Judaea , Iran , India and China who transformed their countries through their criticisms of the traditional order did not communicate with one another and did not create an international civilization .
30 It might be that it only affected the absorption and emission processes of black bodies and did not represent an abiding individuality — like drips from a tap which merge into the mass of fluid lying in the basin .
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