Example sentences of "and [vb past] it [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because this policy existed , and the government was democratic , both the United States and the International Monetary Fund have given Argentina the benefit of the doubt and lent it money to tide it over .
2 Yet it was through the derided Teenybop that the next pop generation came , as young women quickly moved from varieties of Osmond to something a bit meatier — men who instead of masking the femininity of the adored object , flaunted it and made it part of the package .
3 And , as time melted the sunbeam and dripped it moment by moment from the desk to the floor , Chesarynth had only her dubious belief in Friend to sustain her .
4 On 22 June , a Saturday , about ten of us manhandled the Wilsons ' caravan on to the Lecky Road , the main artery through the Bogside , and parked it broadside in the middle of the road , stopping all the traffic .
5 The day after , Jamie came in with the wooden dish of porridge , held it out to Cameron , then twitched it away when he reached for it and turned it upside down .
6 Hector called to all the people , " Come and share my treasure trunk , " And all the silly sightless people Came and looked … and called it junk .
7 In the fourth century the Romans enclosed seven acres of land and called it Banovallum — walled place on the Bain .
8 ‘ He had made a deadlock and called it peace ’ .
9 Paraphrasing Tacitus and Byron , the Visitors ' Centre has the last word on Bloody Cumberland : ‘ he created a desert and called it peace . ’
10 In 15BC the Romans established a settlement on this very spot , no doubt with its commanding strategic position in mind , and called it Turicum .
11 She trickled out a spiral of smoke and watched it rise .
12 We wrote it down and repeated it time and time again to Sergeant Moustaine , until he was satisfied that even the most stupid of us had understood it .
13 The Poles filled every available truck and train with Silesian coal and sent it north ; for weeks a fine drifting cloud of coal-dust hung over Danzig and it seemed the port was to become a coal-opolis fit to rival Cardiff , the coal capital of the world .
14 ‘ The English generals , ’ he replied , ‘ had the body dressed and embalmed after Flodden and sent it south for our King to view . ’
15 He had tried to keep it as a pet , and had made a cage for it and brought it dandelion leaves to eat ; but it never thrived , and had lived only a few days more .
16 He pushed it through the letter box and saw it flame up as it went through .
17 He had paid it no attention , for the light still reached it only by reflected glimpses ; but Isambard had lived with it on close terms for fifteen years , and knew it line for line and feature for feature .
18 She sometimes remembered this and gave it thought .
19 And gave it shelter at the closing Day :
20 The Housing Act 1957 vested the management of local authority houses in the Corporation and gave it power to charge reasonable rents .
21 Much as she would have liked to stay , Penny had to hurry home with her budgie , but she learned later that Brownie Owl got the puppy out of the tree and took it home and gave it food .
22 When Edwin Chadwick , the great English public health expert , was visiting Paris , he met the Emperor who asked him what he thought of the improvements in Paris , to which he replied : ‘ Sir , it was said of Augustus that he found Rome brick and left it marble .
23 I shoved the lot inside the still warm rabbit and left it sort of sitting , squatting looking towards the holes in the bank .
24 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
25 The local press and radio picked up the story and carried it week after week — for a couple of years the gay struggle was big news for the folks back home .
26 The bald man extended a toe and slid it experiment ally across the glassy surface of ice .
27 He lifted her nerveless hand and held it palm down against his own naked chest .
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