Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 Some months later , after his treatment had ended , he wrote and told me that , during his summer holiday , his curiosity had led him to visit Bristol and its surroundings — and he had had the somewhat strange experience of finding his former name on a Parish Register in the district of Yate .
2 When my elder son was born and I was having difficulty in breast-feeding him , my mother sympathised with me and told me that , just after I was born , she had had an abscess on one of her breasts and found feeding me something of an ordeal .
3 She 's just been in here and told me that my Yorkshire pudding !
4 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
5 I went to my bosses and told them that , in The Wedding Present , there was another one out of the same rough balloon with the potential to be a long-lasting , album-selling , international act .
6 At the height of the criticism , Law met constituency chairmen and agents at the Queen 's Hall and told them that
7 I wrote to the Earl personally and told him that Brownie Guides are taught to leave behind nothing but their thanks , but received a reply saying that my letter had been passed on to the agent , Mr. Bishop , who handled all such matters .
8 ‘ Maybe you should have walked over to Pike and told him that .
9 I says you 're the man told u give us the key for Black 's Row and told us that
10 Henri Nallet , then French Agriculture Minister , apologized to his UK counterpart , John Gummer , at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 24 and assured him that lorry drivers who had been attacked in France would be compensated .
11 A little after 3 o'clock this morning he rapped at several doors in Marlborough Street ( adjoining one of the piers ) and informed them that fire had been set to one of the ships in the harbour [ and ] matches were laid in several others ; the whole world would soon be in a blaze , and the town also destroyed …
12 I found peasants who sheltered and fed me that next day .
13 Co-star Adam Faith — himself a big success as a pop star in the Sixties — knows all about making it and warned her that TV fame would have its price .
14 She seized on that with triumph and called him That Theatrical Type .
15 The international action made me aware of the necessity for international co-operation in the fight for the fundamental rights of man and reassured me that human compassion is still alive in this world .
16 I always wrote the replies and told him the news and reassured him that Mum was watching his widow , which it gave her great pleasure to do .
17 It was the smell that alerted her and gave her that first sudden awareness of danger .
18 He tore a roll open , stuffed it with cut ham and gave her that .
19 She turned to face me and gave me that vivid smile that transformed her already delightful face .
20 She just went and gave me that .
21 And gave you that there ?
22 When her husband began to sing a little , snapping his fingers in rhythm , she smiled and for a moment looked like a young girl again ; but the barman came immediately and reminded them that singing was not permitted .
23 ‘ A night out with John Minton , ’ Lehmann recorded in his diary in October 1951 , ‘ for which he arrived with a bunch of carnations in the wildest , gayest form , having been on a jag for three nights — and continued it that night in spite of my attempts at restraint ( which were spoiled by laughing all the time ) , flinging his arms about , shouting shrilly with highly risqué asseverations at the White Tower ( at which Tennessee [ Williams ] appeared for a hallucinatory moment ) , becoming embarrassingly affectionate and enthusiastic about me , and pouring money out for champagne in the Caribbean and another unidentified night club . ’
24 she spoke to and said we 've discussed it cos I asked whether she 'd done that , she said she 'd spoken to and said we 've discussed that we should share the work more equally and said no I 'm happy with the way things were and left it that way
25 If in other company , he was constantly saying that he was asexual , in the presence of Orton and Halliwell he was one of them — and wanted it that way .
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