Example sentences of "and [vb past] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I drew myself up to my full 4 feet 8 inches , flared my pupils at the teacher , picked up my scarlet skirt , Vivien Leigh-style , and , with a thud , parquet met felt and felt met parquet .
2 A report released in late March by a UN relief team which had recently visited Iraq stated that the bombing had caused " near-apocalyptic results " and had relegated Iraq to a " pre-industrial age " .
3 For one thing , she knew very little of the Empress 's plans and had sensed Ypres 's disappointment in her replies .
4 Unfortunately , one of the Sheriff 's impromptu posse had earlier been drinking with the brothers and had noticed George 's notorious mutilated thumb .
5 Last year 's fantasy was that Mossad , the Israeli secret service , had sent prostitutes to Egypt to spread AIDS , and had contaminated fruit and vegetables with the AIDS virus .
6 She had a divinity degree from London University and had completed part of a law course at Lagos University when she was admitted to the faculty in 1983 as an entrant preparing to sit her bar exams .
7 Time and again those brought to trial reveal proper trades and had completed apprenticeships .
8 Captain Frederick Roy-Smith was serving in Germany in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps and had seen Rottweilers who had impressed him greatly , especially with their working ability .
9 Now , if they seen a miracle , if they had been there before and had seen Jesus do something like this , then it would appear that they would have ev , that Jesus would have every reason for saying , oh you faithless people !
10 She had been on a bus once and had seen Simon in a posh car pulling out of an ‘ executive ’ housing estate opposite the boating lake .
11 Indeed , he had hardly referred to her except once as we passed through a small hamlet and had seen children baiting a poor , crazed woman by the crossroads .
12 We had now spent three weeks at Aubagne and had seen detachments move off to Castelnaudary , and numerous people rejected .
13 The negotiations , which had reached their seventh round and had given rise to considerable optimism , centred on the creation of internationally managed reception centres in Vietnam .
14 In the time of Henry VII he had stripped the whole of Fife of oak and fir trees in order to build a huge man-of-war , the Great St Michael , and had given hospitality to the impostor Perkin Warbeck as son of Edward IV and therefore rightful king of England .
15 This had asserted American interest in the Middle East and had given pledges of support to those states which felt threatened by communism .
16 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
17 Annie was broad-hipped and had given birth to overweight babies with no difficulty .
18 The pair were said to have admitted their opposition to the " Four Cardinal Principles " ( namely , the socialist system , the dictatorship of the proletariat , the leadership of the Communist Party , and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought ) and had given assurances that they would " not engage in activities directed against China after they leave the country " .
19 A state of emergency was ordered for Baku by the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium on Jan. 19 , after demonstrators had massed for three consecutive days outside the Azerbaijan CP central committee 's headquarters to demand the leadership 's resignation , and had erected barricades on the city 's outskirts to prevent the entry of Soviet troops .
20 I remembered the last time I had seen him , on the half-landing on the stairs , and how we looked at one another — as if he had sensed it would be our last encounter — and had shaken hands and said goodbye .
21 A physically brave man ( he was a noted wrestler and had instructed Harry Pascoe in the art at one time ) he was doctrinally circumspect , so he conducted the marriage service in such a way that he could not be labelled as either a papist or a puritan .
22 and had raised £43.50 for the Guide Dogs , while the whole hospital team had raised over £1,800 .
23 One of the photographs had been published in US newspapers in July and had increased speculation over the fate of MIAs in Indo-China [ see p.38344 ] .
24 Women 's organizations , although disappointed at the outcome , took heart that the episode had placed sexual harassment in the workplace firmly on the political agenda and had increased prospects for legislation to attack this .
25 By 10.35 with 735 kilometres of autobahn behind them they were swinging past Frankfurt and had reached Cologne by 11.25 .
26 Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem and had reached Jericho .
27 She had originally intended to resell them but found she had grown attached to them and had built shelves in her sitting-room .
28 Just as Harry was preparing to aim a kick at this driver where it might hurt , the man offered him more milk , saying that he was a Frenchman doing forced labour and had recognised Harry 's RAF uniform — by now extremely unsuitable for pay parade !
29 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
30 The reason for excluding the Schutzkorps from repatriation must have been that , although it included a number of Soviet citizens who had joined during the war , a large majority of its members had lived outside Russia since the Civil War and had become passport holders of other countries , mainly Yugoslavia .
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