Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The Nationalists set up their own TV station in Sicily and beamed into Malta .
2 And so Inchbad sat down and beamed at Fenella and said they would be interested to hear her stories and , at the same time , nodded to the waiting Fiachra Broadcrown to get the Fidchell squares ready for the Gnomes .
3 At the bottom Cranston immediately felt better , turned and beamed at Athelstan .
4 She kissed Jake 's cheek and beamed at Shiona .
5 Indeed , only three or four minutes into her talk , Shirley Brown had leaned across and whispered into Howard 's ear : ‘ Better than Ottawa ! ’
6 ‘ But your father — ’ she leaned forward and whispered at Ellie .
7 Patrick leaned forward and whispered to Joseph .
8 She kicked forward and whispered to Scathach , ‘ They 're not wolves , they 're humans .
9 Sir Bruce sipped , made a face , and whispered to Agnes : ‘ And I thought we suffered at MoD .
10 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
11 Seizing her opportunity , Margaret leant forward across her desk and whispered to Maura .
12 But as she bent to give her the bowl , she lowered her voice , and whispered in Rosa 's ear , ‘ Be careful , you 're not a child any more , you must n't forget that .
13 Sir Brian suddenly lifted his face and whispered in Athelstan 's ear .
14 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
15 She shivered and clung to Maggie , burying her head like a child .
16 And when she brought it to him , he did not take it from her , but only felt in the deep pocket stitched into its lining , and drew out a parchment rolled and sealed , which he reached across the table and laid before Iago Vaughan .
17 Having performed my duty and wandered around the coronation hall of the fourteenth century Rathaus with its dreadful nineteenth-century frescoes on the life of Charlemagne , and gazed at Charlemagne 's marble throne in the Cathedral , it was time to sit in the sun for a while and eat an ice-cream .
18 Dyson stopped and gazed at Jannie seriously .
19 They opened for a moment , then closed , then opened again and gazed at Marcus 's face .
20 Although mistrusting children , he showed an absorbed interest as he took the photographs and gazed at Henrietta ( fourteen ) , Samantha ( just ten ) and the baby Jacqueline ( now three and born after a long period during which Hugh had displayed a lack of interest in physical contact ) .
21 When at last he placed the phone down he turned and gazed at Joe , saying in a bewildered tone , ‘ It 's Harry ; they … they want me to go at once . ’
22 At very great length Mr Yarrow leaned back in his chair , sighed deeply and gazed upon Cornelius Murphy .
23 The partners of the firm with which I trained and qualified in South Yorkshire — and probably about 130 years old now — were very much involved in the establishment of the coal mining industry , steel works , newspapers and breweries ( among others ) in that particular area .
24 At the end of the street he had the option of turning left , into the town , or right , along the road which skirted the shore and led to Moorgate and the hill to Albert Tarace .
25 Paxton was a young gardener at Chatsworth when , encouraged by the 6th Duke , he built a giant conservatory 300 feet long , 145 feet wide by 60 feet high which soon attracted the world 's attention and led to Paxton being commissioned to build the Crystal Palace for the Exhibition of 1851 .
26 The success of the initial pilot programme has been recognised by the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health Education and led to Maurice , Kate and Ana meeting with Government officials and representatives from UNICEF to establish a long-term training programme in five Romanian regions , starting in November of this year .
27 He picked up the phone again and asked for Agnes at the Mount Row number .
28 At the phone I rang the operator and asked for Addy 's number .
29 Sergeant Potter called at the Gasworks and asked for Miss Deirdre McTavish .
30 I called the Globe and asked for Connors .
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