Example sentences of "and [noun prp] took [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was late in the afternoon when we arrived , and Taylor took me for a drive through the town , which apart from the centre had been badly damaged .
2 That being the case , Ann and I quickly arranged to visit our son , to see his new home — and have a few casts ; and Blair took me to where he had landed his sea-trout , in the sea-pool between Clett headland and Rubha Glas , over the golden sands at Geireann .
3 A murdering Fascist , ’ I cried and Richard took me gently by the shoulders and pushed me towards the door .
4 And Richard took it upon himself to make his friend more sociable , bringing him up from the country for dinners and parties , to Oldfield 's obvious disinterest .
5 We were broke , so I accepted , and Dana took me on his bike to and fro from Bath to Corsham throughout the next six weeks .
6 Later Julian and David took them and stood them along the ground near the climbing frame .
7 Josie waved toward the refrigerator and Lucy took her at her word , beginning with a plate of leftover ham .
8 Colin and Sue took it off our hands and have made further excellent improvements .
9 The main bridge between the two was the Council of 500 members , appointed annually from the demes in proportion to their population — so for instance Eleusis was allowed to send eleven councillors to the city , and the great deme of Acharnai sent twenty-two , while some tiny demes like Pambotadai and Syhridai took it in turn to send a single councillor , each sending one every other year .
10 He looked helplessly at the lantern pole in his hand , and Alexei took it from him .
11 The call came through less than five minutes later and Curtis took it .
12 I visited Paris and Versailles , and Lettaure took me to a Joan of Arc festival at Orleans .
13 The phone rang and Stephen took it .
14 He heaped a plate for him and Cameron took it thankfully .
15 Gebrec returned from putting the bus away and Bonard took him by the arm and led him to the terrace .
16 At the first touch of his lips she trembled , and Penry took her in his arms , his kiss suddenly fierce until a tactful little cough from the doorway brought an untimely end to the embrace .
17 Selina donned an apron and put her hair up under a baseball cap and prickled with female make-do and knowhow , while Mandy and Debby took it in turns to amuse me downstairs .
18 Jerry and Anna stood watching the swaying elephants in complete fascination , and Sam took me by the hand across to the cage of a huge lion .
19 Nobody used the shed , and Conradin took it for his own .
20 He offered the bottle , and Carrington took it .
21 He pulled a piece of paper from his tunic , and Carrington took it .
22 I was saying to Maureen , me and Maureen took them round Lakes yesterday
23 I wan na go Black butchers on the square , last time we went to Harrendle Bob and Delph took us in the car
24 Paula and Sally took her straight up to their bedroom .
25 Under pressure from the others Bert advanced a bony hand and Ernie took it in his massive fist .
26 A tall thin boy with straggly hair passed her a joint and Lizzy took it from him , inhaling the fragrant mixture deeply .
27 Fox arrived with an assistant and Wycliffe took him to the vandalized room .
28 The Queen invited Sarah to stay at Sandringham in January 1986 ; soon after , Charles and Diana took her skiing to Klosters in Switzerland .
29 They arranged to meet after the show , and Kattina took her to the houseboat which was her home .
30 He held out his hand , and Leonora took it , dumbfounded .
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