Example sentences of "and [adv] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But while a majority of informed public opinion , the target of persistent lobbying over so long a period , moved decisively towards outright abolition , fortified by the anomalous decisions resulting from the 1957 Homicide Act , the views of the general public continued to be hostile and mostly out of sympathy with the prevailing climate at Westminster and Whitehall .
2 there were always people getting paid off , and eventually out of about two hundred spooler there were only eight left
3 Irreverent , anarchic , and compulsively out of tune , HB are reinventing the original punk ideals of confronting perceived agendas in music without the assumed glamour and retro posturing of many of today 's neo-punks .
4 I could walk right out of here and right out of this situation .
5 Another time I went to St Kew primary , which is really small and right out in the middle of nowhere , and they made me feel really welcome .
6 He may have to change his tune if a swing to the right-wing Republicans shoves his beloved Free Democrats below the 5 per cent mark and so out of the Bundestag in the next elections .
7 It was Timmy 's shoes and on , on the thing it 's got , items so and so out of stock
8 Perhaps knowing the likely outcome , New Scientist 's editor made a pathetic excuse about being in Canada at the time and dropped one of his old colleagues into — and swiftly out of — the balloon .
9 He smiled back at them , shifting his weight smoothly from foot to foot as he reversed , turned again and was off at an ever accelerating pace round the bend of the lake and swiftly out of sight .
10 Boswell does not say which of them raised the question of biography , and somewhat out of context he leads into a comment from Johnson : ‘ Nobody can write the life of a man , but those who have eat and drunk and lived in social intercourse with him . ’
11 Mr Clarke is understood to have been extremely angry about the report which said he was ‘ clearly late and somewhat out of place . ’
12 Most often seen either as a long-winged rufous bird flying fast and twistingly out of sight among the trees , or in unmistakable territorial flight ( ‘ roding ’ ) .
13 The only sparks at the County Ground , came from Brentford , who turned the formbook upside down and inside out by putting 2 goals past Swindon .
14 Oh yes there was a there was an er a er a right of way between Glen Ayloch and Glen Shee , and especially out of what we called our hill .
15 He understood the various causes of colic , but his practice was dilatory and generally out of date ’ .
16 Only last week ( British Medical Journal , vol 286 , p 765 ) there was an account of two young lassies in Australia who had turned up at a health centre feeling nauseous and generally out of sorts .
17 highly individualistic , unwilling to accept any authority and already out of touch with Europe , save for their devout and passionate adherence to the Bible ( Old Testament ) as the sole instructor and guide in all matters .
18 We whipped over the northernmost house , across the beach , and thus out to sea again .
19 In a reference to continuing reports that more Soviet weapons had been moved east of the Ural mountains and thus out of the treaty area , the UK Defence Secretary Tom King raised doubts about whether the treaty process was going forward with " the degree of control and accuracy that was intended " .
20 They had been busy in the department all day , a steady stream of non-urgent cases that kept her occupied and largely out of his way — until the middle of the afternoon , at any rate .
21 Behind her was the backdrop of green garden foliage , and just out of her reach , on a small coffee-table that she had positioned at Faye 's instruction , stood an enormous vase filled with flowers — all red ones , ranging from deepest crimson to a vibrant vermilion orange .
22 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
23 He was close enough to hear the skid of rubber on tarmac , and then it was past the building and away out of sight .
24 He arrived out of shape , and soon out of breath .
25 The casket was cast into the river Nile nearby in the hope it would be carried down the river and finally out into the Mediterranean Sea to be lost for ever .
26 Though it was a thriving concern for several centuries it eventually fell into decline and finally out of existence with the dissolution of the monasteries in 1537 .
27 She too waved briefly at Artemis and smiled fleetingly , before the Rolls swept away and finally out of view .
28 Our film stock and equipment , which comprised some nine-tenths of our travelling weight , had to be husbanded first past the Pac-Man thicket of Customs and Immigration , thence through unpredictable months in the jungles , and finally out of the country again intact and undetained .
29 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
30 Evans reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper , crumpled as though it had been thrust deeply and desperately out of sight .
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