Example sentences of "and [adv] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't think she threw knives these days and mercifully she had n't sung ‘ The Cowboys ' Christmas party ’ since their time in Chelsea .
2 From the way his eyes kept darting to and fro she guessed that he had something more important to say and that he was waiting until Eleanor was safely out of sight and earshot .
3 Ricky put an arm round her shoulders , but made no pass and eventually she fell asleep .
4 This story did not impress the court who took the view that she had used a knife to cut off the head soon after its birth , and eventually she had to admit the truth .
5 She believed Martin had ended the engagement , and eventually she had a serious mental breakdown .
6 He worked to revive her and eventually she recovered enough to be wrapped and put on the sledge .
7 She had been phoning people who might go to Greece with her or drive her there or , failing that , pay her air-fare , and eventually she succeeded in getting a loan from an aunt and an offer of a place in a minibus from an old schoolfellow and her boyfriend .
8 He was silent after that for some time , and eventually she asked what he was thinking .
9 I had a good laugh about it and eventually she saw the funny side .
10 As time passed she could be halted for longer and longer intervals , and eventually she forgot her rearing habit altogether .
11 However , the burgeoning folk revival of the 50s and 60s offered her a welcome release , and eventually she won a respected place in the circuit of folk festivals and folksong clubs , singing material not only from her mother 's repertoire but also from a personal ‘ collection ’ gathered when hawking , or working at the tatties .
12 She sat at the breakfast table , trying to calm her nerves , and eventually she drew the envelope from her housecoat pocket and opened it , reading the words that were written inside , and feeling the blood drain from her face .
13 There was nothing with which she could find fault , and eventually she turned to Mr Miller and said , ‘ You 've got a wonderful collection here and I 'm full of admiration at the way in which you look after them . ’
14 She prayed , and took up vegetarianism , more as an extra religion than as part of the war effort ; after a while she made herself go back to the hospital , and eventually she found Higher Mathematics .
15 He moved towards her , and instinctively she lifted her face for his kiss .
16 And instinctively she reached out her arms as if to circle his neck and draw him down into an imaginary embrace .
17 She felt his body surge against her own and instinctively she softened , meeting the fierce possession with no fear at all .
18 He took a step towards her and instinctively she backed away , then stopped dead in her tracks , irritated anew by her own reaction and still more by the answering glint in his eyes .
19 ‘ Cool off , Ruth , ’ he ordered sharply and was about to slam out of the room when her speech came back in a rush and furiously she hit out with her pièce de résistance .
20 He had assumed her consent to the plan , Belinda realised as he started the engine , and weakly she did n't object .
21 Suddenly she was aware of her cardigan being draped around her shoulders and slowly she looked up to see Nathan standing beside her .
22 ‘ I 'm grateful , ’ she admitted , ‘ but I 'm afraid I do n't … ’ and slowly she started to cry .
23 An intolerable weight seemed to press on her forehead and slowly she slid into sleep .
24 The thought lit a spark of rebellion , and slowly she sat up , pushing tousled hair back from her tear-streaked face .
25 Their eyes locked , and slowly she rose to her feet .
26 There was no one about when she let herself into the house , and thankfully she went quietly up to her room .
27 He moved again , and gladly she leaned over and pressed the bell on the wall beside the cot and got up to get the breast tray .
28 Delicately and discreetly she parted flesh from bone .
29 Jo refused to discuss the Oscars ; the whole idea was too exciting to bear serious thought , and besides she knew something about the events of the next three and a half hours that her mother did not , and would not until her name was called .
30 She flew up the drive and suddenly she saw Miss Honey in the front garden , standing in the middle of a bed of roses doing something with a pair of clippers .
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