Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
2 Thoo can choose it and Elizabeth and me 'll mek 'em . ’
3 Keith always had a reason , so we did n't mind that much , but both David and me used to get quite annoyed with Peter .
4 Normally , Marie and me 'd get a cup of coffee and then sit by the fire and chat .
5 Mick and me must drive them all there .
6 As they sat in the kitchen , Jonadab glanced across at George and remarked , ‘ While we 're a bit slack afore haytime starts , Aah thought as 'ow thoo and me could deliver them two pairs of shires ti Stephen 's . ’
7 ‘ Never mind , you and me will manage on our own , right ? ’
8 Now the State has already got a problem because in the next century , it will have insufficient people at work to pay for old age pensions we already know Mr Portillo is doing a pension review and is looking about only targeting it to the needy at the bottom well that means a lot of people like you and me will miss out on State pensions .
9 My current owner , it said , is in need of succour and assistance ; why not give it to him , so you and me can go off somewhere and enjoy ourselves ?
10 ‘ Emily and me can take care of the shop ; you have a rest while you can — you look quite washed out .
11 ‘ My lord , you have been forbearing with him , and I dare make an appeal to you to have pity on this headstrong youth , and trust his future good behaviour to us . ’
12 As to honest Partridge , he meant no wrong , for he is so bold a mountaineer , he can go anywhere that a sheep can ; and I dare say thinks every person can do the same . ’
13 And I dare say it was too , ’ said Mrs Parvis .
14 And I dare say it 's a great advantage to Lord Darlington to have someone to keep an expert eye on the activities of the gardener . ’
15 I was n't memorably arresting or amusing , and I dare say I fell back on the weather like everyone else , but it worked .
16 Here , then , in the deep ecologist 's environmental philosophy , the philosophy of animal rights finds a serious ( and I dare say powerful ) adversary .
17 However there is a bed and I dare say you are quite ready for it . ’
18 riverside pub where Pip and Magwitch stay the night during their journey down the Thames , ‘ a dirty place enough , and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventures ’ .
19 My mind was still not fully made up and I dare say that that was yet another exploratory move in my search for reactions .
20 Besides , you are a grown woman now , and I dare say the truth will come out whether I tell you or not .
21 Now he must go away and I dare say I shall never see him again , ’ Joan said woefully , lagging behind despite Anne 's grumbles and gazing down at the ring .
22 And I dare say you 're disappointed about it , because it 's not every day that an out-island lad gets offered that sort of money , is it now ?
23 But you have n't married and I dare say you wo n't do so now . ’
24 I have my pile of objects , paintings , books , critics to throw out — and I dare say so have you — THROWING THE WRONG ONES OUT IS BETTER THAN THROWING NONE — CLUTTER — BETTING ON EVERY HORSE IS WHAT THE ART STUDENT DOES .
25 Still , you 've always wanted to go back , and I dare say you can demand the earth in salary . ’
26 ‘ No , darling , but Mother and Lady Selvedge have come from quite a long way — miles , really — and those two young men talking to Ianthe are strangers , and I dare say Mr Stonebird will look in , ’ said Sophia comfortingly .
27 And that was only about a minute of the game gone and I dare say er Ian whose place he 's taking on that left-hand side would have relished that kind of opportunity .
28 Erm the sums behind it I 'm not too bothered about but I 'm gon na go through them because they 're quite instructive and I dare say there 's some poor souls here who 'd actually quite enjoy me to do that so we 're gon na go through some of the sums , not now but a bit later on .
29 And I dare say , like these he said they they 've paid for their caravan , cash !
30 ‘ Anyroad , Bob 'll already have set off and I may meet him up on t'tops . ’
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