Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You and me together Mo ?
2 I 'd been banging up dikes for a couple of years when smack came on the scene and I just sort of carried on as I had been doing , y'know , with the smack instead of the dike .
3 looked around and said well he said looked at me said er well cos he was just about to g throw a wobbly and say , well surely the sales department should be dealing with this , should be should be giving him the information and he he just turned round and gave the aforementioned quote and I just sort of went yes it is .
4 She agrees with everything I say , she 's never horrible to me , but when you 're around she 's really horrible to me and like , even though she 's agreed with something I 've said earlier , she just sort of goes yeah right Cassie ha ha ha it 's really funny and takes the piss out of it and you sort of go along with her and I just sort of have to stand there while you two stand there laughing at me and I do n't like it .
5 Well you laughed and you were sort of and I just sort of told her and said shut up , shut up and stop being so bitchy .
6 And I just sort of wonder how we could possibly address some of that .
7 and I thought god I 've got to do something , I 've looked in the mirror and I though Gill this is disgusting , you know , it really is
8 The young men of my own age twirling their canes , pushing into one another sideways , tilting one another 's hats , made me angry — was it because they at least had achieved contentment , and I only contempt ?
9 My sister 's put it on sometimes , and I really sort of oh ,
10 And one of the things that I 'm not sure we have addressed adequately now and perhaps wo n't this evening is how to get people into the theatre and I really thing that it would be worthwhile trying to find out stops people coming in .
11 Barry , 52 , said : ‘ I learned which way up the flag 's supposed to be when I was a Scout and I always check whenever I see it displayed . ’
12 And I almost sort of
13 Indeed , they could have been Hal and his rascally crew .
14 And you just Bob , Bob gave me
15 And you just sort of have it all hanging over you and
16 What would be easier would be a simple board with everybody 's name and you just sort of erm put it across to in or out as you are coming up .
17 All different angles for in there , and you just sort of draw it and work out what the other one is , calculate it first , alright , That 's , that 's A from B , I 'll move that A and B as well .
18 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
19 and and you just sort of resent one might resent going up there
20 Oh and you just sort of
21 and like there 's a puddle of spit and you just sort of push past them and the bloke goes do n't care and I hate businessmen
22 Housing benefit is very , very difficult to get erm and again it 's paid in arrears , and landlords wo n't wait for that , so you ca n't get accommodation erm and you just sort of go down and down with discouragement really .
23 Then you tell the story of the murder and the subsequent investigation , adroitly working in the fact that there was a red light shining at the vital time and place , using one of the ways of tricking your reader into " noticing and not noticing " this that we looked at in the previous chapter , and you also harp like mad on the impossibility of a person in a black dress or suit having been on hand at the moment the murder was committed .
24 " And you more mine . "
25 Right it 's just me and you now Tim .
26 And you there boy , take the lead ’ .
27 I do n't know about these , this person you 're thinking of but er a very common reaction , I certainly have this from time to time , it really does irritate my wife cos I usually wake her up , is you know , you 're just going off to sleep and you suddenly kind of feel you 're falling , does , does that happen ?
28 And she just sort of brushed it off .
29 Another skitter of light behind his eye broke the hold of sensation , and he was once again entire — his prick its modest length — and she not darkness but a body through which waves of iridescence seemed to pass .
30 Yeah cos I just wan na grass Emma and she always grasses me back .
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