Example sentences of "and [adv] [Wh adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And so how long does it take ?
2 In the early stages of a book I always write out two things : one , the plot , that is , the murder and how it happened and perhaps how eventually it will be seen for what it is ; two , the story ( which to make what I mean even clear to myself I generally label " The Storyline " ) , that is , in very rough outline what happens first and what happens next and next and next .
3 More important was that German and Italian aid tended to arrive on request , and especially when most needed following Nationalist setbacks or preceding major pushes ; that it was channelled through Franco as Nationalist leader and not , as with Soviet aid to the Republic , through a political faction ; and that it came on easy credit terms with no political strings attached .
4 ‘ I know from the messages of support I have received from those in the arts world and elsewhere how much your leadership , interest and enthusiasm will be missed .
5 This contact may be by post , by telephone or by personal meetings ; the choice will depend very much on how important you are to a magazine and the magazine to you and thus how often you are likely to be working with this particular publication , how physically near you are to each other and indeed how well you get on at a social level .
6 And just how long had Janine been beating the child ?
7 They will be able to tell you whether you will be able to get a mortgage and exactly how much your repayments are going to be .
8 Notice the position of the hand on the boom and also how straight the arm is
9 This examination of the range and extent of sex crime reporting shows both how pervasive sexual violence has become as a news item , and also how only a very small number of cases are selected as being ‘ newsworthy ’ .
10 Firstly the depth of the symptom — that is at what level of the person 's being it is taking place , secondly the strength of the symptom and thirdly how uniquely characteristic is the symptom of the patient 's state .
11 Objectors and supporters wanting to speak at the inquiry were asked to complete forms listing the witnesses they intended calling and roughly how long each piece of evidence would take .
12 It reveals how close U2 can come to being a straightforward rock group — one of those ! — and simultaneously how far they can move away from that .
13 By the time this chore was finished , I was so tired I fell into a doze on the veranda , dreaming of a Gauguin nude of Aleena 's grandmother , and then of a painting of Tiare and her daughter , and then how easy it would be if they could all come and live with me and we could just hang the pictures on the walls and enjoy them .
14 And then how long would a apprenticeship take then ?
15 It was often difficult , for the experimenter , to judge the exact position of the target in relation to the metre rule and precisely how far the subject 's finger was from the target .
16 This contact may be by post , by telephone or by personal meetings ; the choice will depend very much on how important you are to a magazine and the magazine to you and thus how often you are likely to be working with this particular publication , how physically near you are to each other and indeed how well you get on at a social level .
17 He began talking about the state of the world , saying that he had n't even looked at a newspaper all day , when one was enjoying oneself one too easily forgot everything that was not on the personal level : and yet how desperately the economic situation was deteriorating everywhere week by week , it could not end well , it might lead to anything .
18 Amanda frequently reflected upon the fruits of the field , how various they were , and yet how perfectly each was adapted for Man 's enjoyment .
19 Micky Deere ( 49 ) , one of our longest serving players , has proved time and again how badly we need an experienced defender .
20 The question of how financial markets and institutions contribute to industrial performance , and therefore how well they serve an economy , is growing in importance .
21 What information needs to be changed at a process switch , and therefore how long is the PSW and what does it contain ?
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